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  1. K

    Grade 11 Course Selection

    Hey Daniel, A couple of my friends here at RMC are Pilots in the Engineering and Arts programs. Your course load is perfectly fine for either of those programs. Pilot's one of those trades you can have any degree in. About French, it's not mandatory, nor does taking french lower your...
  2. K

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Like Skeletor said, you can change from being a soldier to an officer. In my year there's someone who used to be a MCpl and is now studying to become an officer. Also, regarding your question about RMC: Ideally, yes, RMC graduates are promoted faster because the point of RMC is to build up...
  3. K

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    EDIT: Just received an answer from MCC. Thanks anyway.
  4. K

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I'm coming out of CFRC Toronto and these are the following dates explained to me by the person who called: Swearing in ceremony: July 10-11 (first day paperwork, second is the ceremony) Orientation: August 12-24 I assume orientations the same for all of us, the signing of paperwork and indoc...
  5. K

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    If you both applied for the same trades then he may have done better than you on the interview. This year's my second time applying (took a fifth year of highschool to upgrade marks/competitiveness) and I was accepted so I'm sure you can be too! Good luck and keep your head up.
  6. K

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Thanks and my first trade was EME which apparently had 18 positions open and CELE had 23. I'm Guessing my first trade was either filled up or there are more competitive applicants than myself applying to that trade and the offer hasn't reached me yet. However, I was given 24 hrs to think about...
  7. K

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Sorry to hear that Canada94. On another note, I just received an offer for CELE(air) from CFRC Toronto. It was my second (only other choice) so I'm infatuated with joy right now haha.. Been keeping track of posts on this forum since I sent In my application and it's great seeing So many others...
  8. K

    RMC, What should I do?

    Like Cui and has (along with many others) said, there's no guarantee. In the end, why settle for anything less than the best you can do, right? You could be getting a 90% average and be the captain in all the sports teams, but if everyone else applying for that trade is better, then you won't...
  9. K

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Hey, so just a quick update and a question. I called in and I was apparently merit listed, so all that's left to do now is wait. I just wanted to know if anyone knew the approximate (I know it varies from person to person) date that someone will get a call/job offer. Reason for this is, I'd...
  10. K

    Grade 10 thinking about ROTP/RMC, how should I go about it?

    Here are some ways to become more competitive: -Join clubs that have to do with your chosen fields -Fill out your schedule with sports/volunteering/work -Practice and do well on your CFAT/Medical <--- I believe this helps quite a bit in assessing your competitiveness. -Become Bilingual (Not so...
  11. K

    ROTP Qualifications

    Yes, like gcclarke said, there's nothing to lose by applying. If you happen to be one of the only applicants for that position, you're pretty much guaranteed it (assuming CFAT, medical, interview goes well). Just give it a try and if it doesn't work out, apply as DEO. That way, you have two...
  12. K

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Thanks for the reply. I'll go give them a call first thing tomorrow morning.
  13. K

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    First and foremost, Congratulations! Secondly, I wanted to ask how you learned/discovered you were merit listed. Did you receive a phone call or e-mail or a letter in the mail? Or do you perhaps have to inquire regarding your status at the local CFRC? I recently completed my application process...
  14. K

    When is a good time to apply?

    I was told during my interview that there is a bare minimum threshold level required to join the CF. If I recall correctly, it is a 3.0 on the 'Beep Test (20m shuttle run), and 4 pushups. He told me specifically that if you passed this test but not the express, that you would be sent for extra...
  15. K

    Online Application Issues

    Hi there. I had this similar problem when I was applied online a few months back. Two things that worked for me were: 1) Opening the website on a slightly older computer (Pre-Vista/Windows 7) 2) Opened the website on my computer using 'Internet Explorer 32 Bit' For whatever reason, it seems...
  16. K

    Top 6 marks

    This depends on the competition and the school you're attending. If the CFRC said that, then that means it is probably for RMC (and of course, the ROTP program). By competition, I mean that if you have an 80% in math now and let's say that the requirements are 85% for math, and you received a...
  17. K

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    I was actually looking for an answer to that exact same question! My situation is this: I'm currently taking a 5th year of high school ('victory lap' as some call it), because due to certain circumstances, I ended up losing my spot at a University deeming me unfit for ROTP last year. Anyways, I...
  18. K

    So I've started my online application...

    Hi, I'm currently in the process of applying as well. This is my second year applying (Applied last year in person), and I've chosen to opt for the online application this year. I had no idea they stopped taking applications in-person in Ontario now. ANYWAYS, as to your question, you should send...
  19. K

    Application Process (Interview, Medical, CFAT etc)

    Thanks a lot for the information. I'll be sure to check with the CFRC anyway when I go back to reapply.
  20. K

    Application Process (Interview, Medical, CFAT etc)

    Hello, I am currently repeating a fifth year of highschool having applied last year to the ROTP. Last year, I was told that I did well on my Medical and CFAT but didn't do too well in the interview. I believe I was also told that these records are held for one year before they're thrown away...