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  1. S

    Wondering what BASIC TRAINING is like? Watch the video. (BASIC UP)

    Crantor - you hit exactly what has been bothering me about this thread.  I also was on the course with the PO, and I find it rather distasteful to have so many people commenting on his apparent lack of leadership without actually having been there or knowing him.  I personally didn't notice any...
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    BIQ becoming mandatory??

    Not sure what you mean "how many times must we go over this?"  As far as I have heard, this is new.  It is not in reference to SQ requirement, or even really the forced BIQ, rather, the stuff I have been hearing is referencing a temporary "re-assignment" of people to a combat arms trade for 3...
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    BIQ becoming mandatory??

    Just trying to see if anyone knows more about this.  There are a few people at the base I am working at who's trade requires SQ but not BIQ who have been asked to do BIQ now as well.  There was also some "rumors"  :-\ going around about a move towards having every soldier temporarily...
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    live from st. jean

    I am starting week 9 in St. Jean, this will be our 2nd of 3 weeks in Farnham.  We will be staying in hooches and living on hard rations for 2 weeks while conducting a field exercise in a mock up of Kandahar.  This was not part of the 10 week course, from what I understand, they did 1 week in...
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    Provincial Health Plan Coverage??

    I figured it wouldn't be straight forward.    ::) Thanks for the advice, I'll check it out further with the provincial health people.
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    Provincial Health Plan Coverage??

    I have looked around and can't find a definitive answer to this question.  I was wondering how the medical plan for regular force members works.  Do I have to "opt out" of the Provincial Plan every year, or do I still pay for the provincial plan even though I am covered under the CF?  I scoured...
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    Training Buddies Wanted - Vancouver (Lower Mainland) Area

    I am going to try arranging for a hike up a local mountain sometime soon, maybe a Saturday?  I was thinking about Golden Ears, as it is a good 6-7 hour hike up and down, so it can be done in a day for those of us who don't have time for an overnighter, as cool as that would be.  I am heading...
  8. S

    Training Buddies Wanted - Vancouver (Lower Mainland) Area

    Man, where were you 5 months ago? This is a great idea asking for training partners.  I tried to find running clubs, hiking clubs, etc in my area (Mission, 1 hour east of Vancouver) but couldn't find any decent ones.  Anyways, I am heading out to BMQ in August, are you just starting to apply...
  9. S

    Progress in the Army

    Thank you all for some good advice, I have often been told that I "over-think" too much.    :-\ I may just take your advice GO!!! and print out this thread, overall it has been very good.  Perhaps as you say, in a few years my patriotism and idealism will have dulled, but then again, I have...
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    Progress in the Army

    Hmm, put that way it does sound a bit off... :P I guess I should rephrase what I meant.  Most of the potential army recruits that I have talked to, as well as a few of those who have been in and come out (admittedly my sphere of influence/aquantances is small) I have observed a trend.  It may...
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    Progress in the Army

    I am going to be attending BMQ this summer, so I am zero experience and all of what I will be saying is based entirely on my own opinions of what I have read/seen.  So please forgive me if I am way out to lunch. I am joining with the intention of making a career out of the forces.  Unlike most...
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    I had the depression a couple years before I first applied, but my doctor at the time in all his wisdom prescribed continuous medication for me, "just in case" since there were no significant side affects for the pills.  Basically the same idea as an apple a day keeps the doctor away, well two...
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    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Centre: Vancouver, BC Regular/reserve: Regular Trade Choice 1: ATIS Tech Trade Choice 2 : Sig Op Trade Choice 3: LCIS Tech Application Date: January 31, 2005 First Contacted: Feburary 14, 2005  (Approx.) CFAT Completed: Was bypassed because of previous application. PT Test: March 30...
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    Here's my story: I first applied in February of 2003, and recieved my rejection letter in November 2003.  I was rejected due to medical reasons (past depression).  At the end of January 2005 I re-applied, having got the necessary doctors notes and letter, etc.  After going through the entire...
  15. S

    The Depression / Anti Depressants Merged Thread

    :-\ Hi there, I recently applied to the CF and was denied because of my depression.  To be specific, you must be off of medication and symptom free for at least a year before you can reapply.  Of course, doctors notes and possibly psychiatric notes will be wanted.  Also, it took them 6 months...