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  1. Saskboy

    The Manly Thread

    I heard an interesting follow up to that one from a buddy's girlfriend. How many chauvinists does it take to change a lightbulb? Two, one to -ah the hell with it, let her do the dishes in the dark.
  2. Saskboy

    The Manly Thread

    Congratulations Jim! One thing I often hear grandparents say, "All of the fun, none of the responsibility. Gotta love grandkids."
  3. Saskboy

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    If only we could...
  4. Saskboy

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Too right you, my apologies for the oversight. ;D
  5. Saskboy

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    I want to meet said old guy so I can shake his hand. Bravo. As for said hippie, I'm in favour of revoking his ability to vote for being dimwitted. Does he seriously think that the CF has enough personnel to sway elections, or does he just not understand how our electoral system functions...
  6. Saskboy

    Election 2011

    To be fair, I used that vote compass and I got Conservative. Of course, that was because I deliberately answered every question in line with Conservative ideals which probably forced it concede defeat or reveal itself as a complete sham. ;D
  7. Saskboy

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    I'd drawn that very conclusion while reading the kit list the other day. "Wait, if I have to buy a toothbrush and toothpaste there and we don't go to the Canex upon arrival that means I'm not brushing my teeth... I think I'll take my toothbrush and toothpaste and discard it if I'm told to."...
  8. Saskboy

    Soldier Missing After Morning Run in Edmonton's River Valley

    I'm sure MCpl. Curnow would be heartened to know that his comrades and his community are carrying on the search for him.  Best of luck NZ.
  9. Saskboy

    The Manly Thread

    My hat is off to you MWO Seggie. A well deserved congratulations to you! Now as for that young lady, utterly astounding. What courage! A well deserved congratulations to her as well.
  10. Saskboy

    BMOQ May 2011

    Have fun ladies and gents and I'll see you in a week!
  11. Saskboy

    Soldier Missing After Morning Run in Edmonton's River Valley

    Curious, curious indeed.  I hope MCpl. Curnow is found safe and in good health.
  12. Saskboy

    The difference between DND and CSIS mandates/powers

    CSIS Priorities: http://www.csis-scrs.gc.ca/prrts/index-eng.asp DND as per Canada First Defence Strategy: http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/pri/first-premier/missions-eng.asp That's about as much as I dare offer on this topic...
  13. Saskboy

    Word association (just for fun)

  14. Saskboy

    Word association (just for fun)

  15. Saskboy

    New Canadian, election article

    I have to agree with some of the comments underneath the article, if he doesn't like the outcome, he's more than welcome to renounce his citizenship, pack his bags, and go back from whence he came. Simply put, I don't appreciate being called stupid by some <insert expletive here> who thinks he...
  16. Saskboy

    Boot Help!: Orange Texture

    I think he's referring to the fruit. As in the peel of an orange.  I usually told my cadets to just strip em and start over. Edit: Wait a minute Stacked, I think I see what you did there. My bad.  :facepalm:
  17. Saskboy

    Word association (just for fun)

  18. Saskboy

    Video of the shot that killed Bin Laden leaked!!!

    I'm just thankful it wasn't a Rebecca Black video.
  19. Saskboy

    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    Sounds like a plan to me. Live by the sword, die by the sword. In the end he went out as many of them do, bleeding and laying in a puddle of his own excrement. There is no end that wouldn't still be too kind for that SOB. Good riddance and well done to the soldiers responsible.
  20. Saskboy

    Top Gun 2

    No, he still uses aircraft, except this time they're intergalactic DC-10s.