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  1. Johansen

    Application Decision

    Ultimately the decision is up to you. If your goal is full-time with the CF then, obviously, the reserves isn't for you and the wait for reg force is worth it. However, if part-time is of any interest to you, contact your local reserve unit and inquire about switching your application.
  2. Johansen

    From one new member to the others....

    Your reserve BMQ was 9 weeks full time? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, and I'm fairly certain I'm not, but reserve BMQ is a total of 20 days. How did you manage to get on a 9 week full time course? Also, OP, great post.
  3. Johansen

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    My mistake, I didn't read the OPs first post. Apparently not that competent at posting on my phone.
  4. Johansen

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Update: Recruiting Center: Kamloops, BC (Rocky Mountain Rangers) Regular/Reserves: Primary Reserve NCM/Officer: NCM Trade Choice 1: Infantry Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: February 2012 First Contact: February 2012 CFAT: March 15, 2011 Medical: February 23, 2012...
  5. Johansen


    What are you hoping to gain by asking the same question in a new thread? You were given answers already. The information isn't difficult to find..
  6. Johansen

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I made a poor decision and received a drinking & driving charge before I began my BMQ and had my job offer retracted. My update is as follows: Recruiting Center: Kamloops, BC (Rocky Mountain Rangers) Regular/Reserves: Primary Reserve NCM/Officer: NCM Trade Choice 1: Infantry Trade Choice 2...
  7. Johansen

    Basic Costs

    Difficulty of getting in is dependant on whether or not you're talking about regular forces or reserves. If you're interested in the regular force, as I assume you are, they are currently not accepting applications.
  8. Johansen

    CF Hair Regulations - superthread [MERGED]

    Repitively asking the same question on here isn't going to get you your answer. Bottom line, if you're told it's too long, you cut it.
  9. Johansen

    BMQ - August 2011

    Armoured here as well for the 29th. :salute:
  10. Johansen

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: New Westminster, BC Regular/Reserves: Regular NCM/Officer: NCM Trade Choice 1: Crewman Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: January 2011 First Contact: January 2011 CFAT: March 15, 2011 Medical: March 15, 2011 Interview: March 15, 2011 Merit Listed: May 3, 2011...
  11. Johansen

    Hopefully Getting A Call

    If you haven't at least booked your CFAT by now, I would call your local CFRC. I had both my CFAT and interview schedueled a few weeks after I had handed in my application. Just a thought..
  12. Johansen

    When will the CF be hiring again?

    Merit listed simply means that you are eligible for your trade choice. Being at the top of said list would then, obviously, mean you would be the first contacted with an offer. Correct me if I am wrong.
  13. Johansen

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: New Westminster, BC Regular/Reserves: Regular NCM/Officer: NCM Trade Choice 1: Crewman Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: January 2011 First Contact: January 2011 CFAT: March 15, 2011 Medical: March 15, 2011 Interview: March 15, 2011 Merit Listed: Pending Job...