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  1. A

    Canada's New (Conservative) Foreign Policy

    Double standards with a slight blue tinge because the Tories are in power. There is no such thing as ethical oil. Its a cute marketing ploy nothing more. Canada will get its lead filled toothpaste and slave made iPad from China but we are squeamish on where we get our oil from? I'm not bashing...
  2. A

    Have we become a conservative country?

    I don't mean for it to sound pejorative, but I just don't think its fair that Quebec's "social just state" be paid for by the rest of the country. Holding the country hostage with a referendum evertime you want private industry, to bail you out of the fiscal cluster doo doo, that short sighted...
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    Have we become a conservative country?

    Having read Mr Martin book Harperland and then reading this, I see it as more a lefty fear mongering, the man is unfair. In regards to "becoming" a conservative county, I think its more rebalancing of moral fibre and spine growth and the ablilty to put Quebec in its place. my  :2c: