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Search results

  1. hedgecroft

    Age Limits - Reserves

    To replies # 176, 177, 178, 179: Thanks for the quick replies. George Wallace, thanks for your feedback. I guess if I had used better keywords in my search I may have found the Age Limits thread. So, you've all answered my question; turning 40 is not the end of the world. It will be a new...
  2. hedgecroft

    Age Limits - Reserves

    Is it normal for a 39 year old male to be considering a part-time career as a reservist? Is it common? I have been giving this some serious thought and would love to serve my country while continuing in my full-time profession. Your thoughts?
  3. hedgecroft

    WWII Unknown Soldier, New Brunswick.

    I have discovered this photo in my grandmother's photo album, with no name or identification of any kind. On the backside, it is a blank post-card. My guess is that he belonged to a unit in New Brunswick who may have trained in Edmundston, Woodstock, Fredericton and Sussex about 1942, give or...