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  1. E

    USMC vs Canadian Army..whos better?

    Alright. Let me rephrase...what are the differences between the two? What do we excel at and what do they excel at?
  2. E

    USMC vs Canadian Army..whos better?

    I know I may get flamed for this...but when I was taking my SQ course in Shilo...the standards warrant said that our army is superior to the USMC....I'm thinking....wha? I am patriotic and all and I love the army  :salute:. But I don't know what he was talking about. Anyone?
  3. E

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    I finished the BMQ from Borden on Dec.16/10. Regarding the ghost kit: Eveyone had a personals box for the bottom drawer that most of us kept some items of ghost kit in. Shave cream, shower gel, things like that. I put a new razor head in my razor just before inspection time, and it was good to...
  4. E

    I got bumped off my QL3 course

    Hi guys and gals, Well since I last posted on this site, I was very nervous about enroling in the CF. But since then, I went to Borden, passed basic recruit school, passed the express test, had no PO failures at all. Made it through Basic as I said with no injuries, made it through SQ in Shiloh...
  5. E

    Chilliwack portion of the training....

    No, nothing wrong with it in the least. I just thought to myself of all the days of the year....
  6. E

    Medical First Responder Course

    I myself was not looking for free training. I offered to pay for the training and still got nowhere. Oh well, c'est la vie...
  7. E

    Chilliwack portion of the training....

    Hey all, I have recently been given a job offer for the CF as a med tech. I start at Borden on 9/11.  ::) I know that I will be spending a LOT of time there right off the bat, first is BMQ, then SQ, then the first part of basic MOC training and then its off to Chilliwack for a while, but how...
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    Basic training

    Yeah, thats the part that scares me a little, getting posted to WPC and not making any inroads at all. Oh well, all I can do is try my best and not give up. A textbook heartrate is 72 bpm for a healthy male in any stage of life. Typically the lower your heart rate gets the better shape you are...
  9. E

    Basic training

    resting heart rate is somewhere around 65-70 bpm.
  10. E

    Medical First Responder Course

    Well since I am going in as a medical technician, I suppose I will get that course as well. Yes, granted that was only one detachment. I found it to be very unorganized, and there were far too many politics. Sorry if that sounds like im soap boxing...but oh well. Good luck! Will
  11. E

    Basic training

    I am just a shade over six feet tall.....
  12. E

    Medical First Responder Course

    Speaking as a former St. Johns Ambulance volunteer, I would not waste your time with SJA training. I found it to be very mickey mouse and the organization(at least the branch where i was) to be very unorganized, and not very professional. The MFR course you are asking about is only offered to...
  13. E

    Basic training

    Hey all, Just to introduce myself to the group, my name is Will Johnson. Several months ago I was fortunate to be offered a job in the CF as a medical technician, which after some surprised silence I accepted eagerly. I get sworn in Aug.24, and then basic starts on Sept.11 (not sure what that...