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  1. Drift Pin

    Soldiers squander disability payouts

    Unfounded biases ?  Have you ever served with a reg for unit returning from a tour?  Have you seen the troops who are so messed up that they can't be around an army uniform but still manage to get in 8 hours of modern warfare 2 each day ?  What about the ones who can't do morning PT or go to the...
  2. Drift Pin

    Soldiers squander disability payouts

    We all know why there is no money left for the soldiers who are really hurt so let's not beat around the bush. It's because for every honest soldier who has a legit injury there are 5 more C***s****** who fake it just to get some extra coin.  We have so many people bleeding the system now that...
  3. Drift Pin

    Petraeus - Re-visiting NATO ROE in Afghanistan

    I suppose this was my bad, Replace the work airstrike with 155mm artillery strike, mortar strike, whatever the hell you want.  as long as it is indirect /aircraft fire that strikes the dammed target with lots of firepower then that was my meaning. Yes, these STRIKES do prevent ramp ceremonies...
  4. Drift Pin

    Petraeus - Re-visiting NATO ROE in Afghanistan

    I agree, Bombed to the ground is overkill and thus unnecessary. That is not what I meant if it came across as such. I also believe that there is a better chance of hell freezing over than there is of seeing democracy in Afghanistan.  Not being negative, just calling a spade a spade.
  5. Drift Pin

    Petraeus - Re-visiting NATO ROE in Afghanistan

    Ive seen some brave ANA as well.  It's the other half that worries me.  I am not a pessimist, nor an optimist. I would consider my self a realist actually. Of course the view of the terrain is going to differ from the point of view of an officer over an NCO.  Politics is your world not mine. I...
  6. Drift Pin

    Petraeus - Re-visiting NATO ROE in Afghanistan

    Wake up troop   I have yet to meet a local who wouldn't smile to my face and stab me in the back as soon as I turned around.  You must have had a better tour than the rest of us because IMO, we will never, NEVER win the hearts and minds of the people of Afghanistan.  Half the ANA/ANP/camp...
  7. Drift Pin

    Petraeus - Re-visiting NATO ROE in Afghanistan

    I was not saying that we should kill "all sorts of civilians" actually.  maybe you should read what I posted once more. There is a big difference between accidentally killing someone innocent from calling a strike on a legit target and strategic bombing. It is an unfortunate result of war...
  8. Drift Pin

    Petraeus - Re-visiting NATO ROE in Afghanistan

    Let us not forget that we are there as Karzai's guests, and we must play by his rules.  Once we start conducting ops how we want and not how the host nation wants, we become occupiers and not helpers of the GIRA.  These are Karzai's criteria more so than ISAF's, and they are in place because...
  9. Drift Pin

    Hitting the Gym While on Course?

    On my Engineer QL3 we spent every evening polishing the brass in the shower room and waxing the hallway floor courtesy of our  9 fingered clown of a course director. That was way better than going to the gym.
  10. Drift Pin

    Pay increments

    You might want to ask your clerk The extra cash could be there for any number of reasons.  A claim for example. 
  11. Drift Pin

    The Great Boot Review

    Best is only a matter of personal preference.  Both are decent boots and you won't go wrong with either. The SWATs don't last very long with hard use.  Almost like sneakers in that they need replacing every 6 months or so. In the end I switched back to my good old MK III's
  12. Drift Pin

    Sgt. James MacNeil Killed in Afghanistan- 21/ June/ 2010

    Rest in peace brother.... Chimo