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  1. A

    Are you retired and living outside Canada fulltime? ie not a resident of Canada

    This is the case with what we're looking at.  My bad for saying if you give up residency in Canada you would not pay tax on your pension, that isn't true in all cases, I should have added 'in some instances', sorry about that. I made this post in hopes of speaking with someone who is actually...
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    Are you retired and living outside Canada fulltime? ie not a resident of Canada

    :alone: I have done a lot of reading and have learned a lot on this but there's still a few questions I have. Has anyone here given up residency (while retaining citizenship) in Canada to retire outside Canada?  I'm looking to speak with others about how they handle pension and taxes in their...
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    House Hunting Trip (HHT) Lore (merged)

    Sorry I was not clear, there was one day when I was well enough to travel by car, and so we took advantage of it, considering we had taken care of the house purchase (and registering for school, getting insurance quotes, and got as much information as we could for the utilities, and a fair bit...
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    AWOL & Baby coming

    True enough.  Cliches aside, since it is a free country, I am entitled to my opinion, as are you, and my opinion is it would be spiteful to not allow him there for the birth.  For the child's and mothers sake, I hope he is there.
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    House Hunting Trip (HHT) Lore (merged)

    We had a similar thing happen on our HHT.  I was sick for most of the HHT, I lied in the hotel bed for over 2/3 of the trip, couldn't keep food down and ended up visiting the hospital.  We were flying out of Toronto, so on a good day when I was able to travel, since we had bought a house already...
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    AWOL & Baby coming

    I hope he is there for your babys birth.  I can see some recourse because of his actions, but to deny him being there when he is in country I believe is simple spite.
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    What makes a hot resale in Petawawa?

    I would love to see speed bumps but I can't see the town going for that. We are a few houses off Boulder. I agree those houses were not built by Lantern. We went through some of those crappy builds and I was shocked at the lack of quality and care. Completely blew my mind some of the garbage...
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    What makes a hot resale in Petawawa?

    We bought a house, in Limestone subdivision. Builder is Lantern. Very happy with the home save for it being right on Limestone... I saw a few guys flying up the street in their big trucks so I imagine this will be an issue since we have a 4 yr old that has to walk to Laurention to catch the bus...
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    What makes a hot resale in Petawawa?

    You have valid questions and points.  We currently live in a house that was built in 1907.  Yes, you read that correctly, it's over 100 yrs old.  In Petawawa however, there are most likely no houses over 50 yrs old (someone else can confirm or deny this, but if there are, there are very few). ...
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    What makes a hot resale in Petawawa?

    Thanks for that post AmmoTech.  We are considering the Country Lane area but the problem with that is we only have one vehicle, so I would be stuck at home feeling isolated most days.  Limestone would offer us a location where I could at least walk to a few stores, and probably the Southside...
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    What makes a hot resale in Petawawa?

    We are heading out to look for a house in a week.  I've noticed what house sells for what price depends a lot on the area.  The Old Forest area houses tend to sell at a higher price than the Limestone Subdivisions (two areas we are contemplating).  I see one house on Turning Stone that seems...
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    Petawawa Thread- Merged

    Thanks Puckchaser.  I've never lived in a military town before and I'm shocked at the number of listings coming on the market every day in Petawawa, so my worry is we are waiting too long for our HHT (in May).  I am worried all the nice houses will be gone by then! We'll be in competition Nix...
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    Petawawa Thread- Merged

    I've been checking MLS website because we're going on our HHT in May, and it seems there's a LOT of housing listed in the last few weeks in Petawawa.  Is this normal for this early in the posting season?
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    ING Direct mortgage & porting using DND clause

    I thought ING only had the 3 months interest penalty and no IRD?  Judging by the amount of penalty, it sounds like they are more than charging you three months interest. The IRD may be dismissed if it's a DND move due to a posting... you're the one with the paperwork so toughenough, I assume...
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    ING Direct mortgage & porting using DND clause

    Occam is correct, Personel is for our house insurance, Manulife is for our life insurance, who covers what I stated above.  SISIP does recommend them however, even gave me the pamphlets for Personel, handed them to me directly while I was in their office only a few years ago telling me they...
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    ING Direct mortgage & porting using DND clause

    Thanks for the answer re: mortgage insurance.  We have also have life insurance via the Personel (via SISIP) which pays off the mortgage and gives dh coverage if he is injured or killed even if it's in war.  It sounds like it's quite similar to the catastrophic insurance you have.  The reasons...
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    ING Direct mortgage & porting using DND clause

    Possibly, but there are other, less expensive, options for that vs mortgage insurance, so this is why I'm asking.
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    ING Direct mortgage & porting using DND clause

    Be careful, not all penalties are reimbursed, only three months interest comes out of your core envelope.  I know guys who had to pay as much as $9K out of pocket because of the rate differential.  There was even a canforgen that came out (last year?) about this because it's such a huge issue.
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    ING Direct mortgage & porting using DND clause

    Oh I forgot Nix was asking specifically about ING. Our last mortgage was with them, the customer service was excellent. We've paid our mortgage off so we haven't ported anything with them yet, but I have heard they are very customer orientated.  I wish you the best if you're considering going...
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    ING Direct mortgage & porting using DND clause

    George, I agree 100% with what you say, hense my comment about me believing over 90% of people just sign without reading or understanding their mortgage contact.  I was pointing out that Nix wasn't getting many replies because so many don't read their contract, or don't know what their penalties...