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  1. happybikers

    info security form stc/tbs 330-60

    Hi, I have to fill the stc/tbs 330-60 form before BMQ. I have a question about the section employer(I) . I have been unemployed for almost 2 years because I was a cycling athlete full time. Do I have to write this on the section employer? or I just write nothing. Thanks
  2. happybikers

    Qmb 30 aout 2010 !

    Il y a un groupe facebook pour le qmb du 30 aout http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=131168243593299&ref=ts voila.
  3. happybikers

    Qmb 30 aout 2010 !

    Félicitation, on se voit le 30 aout !
  4. happybikers

    Qmb 30 aout 2010 !

    Non c'est juste en m'informant au centre de recrutement(file manager) et en écrivant mes dates à chaque étape.
  5. happybikers

    Qmb 30 aout 2010 !

    Quel métier?
  6. happybikers

    August 2010 BMQ

    Starting BMQ august 30(french) as a combat engineer.  ;D
  7. happybikers

    Qmb 30 aout 2010 !

    1- Recruiting Center: CFRC Montreal Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Artillery Soldier-Air Defence Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: sep 15 09 First Contact: sep 17 09 CFAT: Did it 4 years ago Interview: schedule oct 7th 09 Medical: Oct 7th, 09 Merit...
  8. happybikers

    Qmb 30 aout 2010 !

    Je viens de recevoir ma date de qmb....30 aout 2010....qui y sera ?
  9. happybikers

    August 2010 BMQ

    Finally got my bmq date ....August 30 (french course) ......anyone going these dates?
  10. happybikers

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    1- Recruiting Center: CFRC Montreal Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Artillery Soldier-Air Defence Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: sep 15 09 First Contact: sep 17 09 CFAT: Did it 4 years ago Interview: schedule oct 7th 09 Medical: Oct 7th, 09 Merit...
  11. happybikers

    Got the call but.....question

    no I dindnt hide anything its just that I had some credit problem in the past.But I have take care of it .....I was wondering if all the process was done thats all. I just cant believe its true! thank you for your respond and see you soon maybe
  12. happybikers

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Got called today yeah! Bmq start april 11 **Update** Recruiting Center: CFRC Montreal Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Artillery Soldier-Air Defence Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: sep 15 09 First Contact: sep 17 09 CFAT: Did it 4 years ago Interview...
  13. happybikers

    Got the call but.....question

    Ive got called today by the rc and they offer me a job....I accept the job 4 sure  :D .....my question is do they perform another credit check or other check before the swearing in? Or everything is done and I just have to go to the rc to swear in? Thanks Sorry I speak french usally.
  14. happybikers

    armoured trade

    The captain from the cfrc called me this morning to tell me that armour was closed .I dont know if this is nation wide but I think so.
  15. happybikers

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    **Update** Recruiting Center: CFRC Montreal Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Armour Artillery Soldier-Air Defence Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: sep 15 09 First Contact: sep 17 09 CFAT: Did it 4 years ago Interview: schedule oct 7th 09 Medical: Oct...
  16. happybikers

    QMB du 30 novembre

    Est ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui a été appelé pour le QMB du 30 novembre? si oui, quand et dans quel métier avez vous appliqué? Merci!
  17. happybikers

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    **Update** Recruiting Center: CFRC Montreal Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Armoured Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: sep 15 09 First Contact: sep 17 09 CFAT: Did it 4 years ago Interview: schedule oct 7th 09 Medical: Oct 7th, 09 Merit Listed: Oct 12...
  18. happybikers

    Just got called!!

    Went to final step yesterday( interview).Just waiting to be merit listed. I apply for armour. The captain said i am supposed to do my BMQ at the end of november. I apply at Montreal. From now I just cross my fingers!!! How long do you wait for contacting your crfc after your final recruiting...
  19. happybikers

    Just got called!!

    Hi just wanted to know what are your trade? (jlepine87,DaveyOldNavy) where did you apply? thanks
  20. happybikers

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    ** Update** Recruiting Center: CFRC Montreal Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Armoured Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: sep 15 09 First Contact: sep 17 09 CFAT: Did it 4 years ago Interview: schedule oct 7th 09 (pass) Medical: Oct 7th, 09 (pass) Merit...