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Search results

  1. S

    Role of Officer vs job of NCM [Merged]

    From viewing the NCM trades on the CF website, are there any that catch your eye or appeal to you?  I think every applicant to the CF (whether they are going Officer route or NCM route) have maybe one or two trades in the other stream that catch their eye.  I would agree that it makes good...
  2. S

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Just trying to figure things out, exploring options, learn, seeing what’s available. I was told by a recruiter today that 10 DEO MARS spots are available nationally. Hopefully that gives you ‘some’ sort of hope.  That's what I was told, but he also said numbers (can) change daily. Was told...
  3. S

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Hi, SK, what other 2 choices did you put down (if it’s not a secret)? Pilot I’ve been told is the toughest trade to get (in general), and this year MARS appears to be completely blocked despite previous talks/rumours of navy personnel shortages.  Sigil, You are right, it’s hard to know what...
  4. S

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Wow!!  It's shocking how slim the pickings are. This is bad and very discouraging;  The lack of opportunities is very surprising. Ok, SK and others who are merit listed, what offers did your recruiters give you?  From my understanding, your file can't be open indefinitely.  Did they say if they...
  5. S

    What's the food like on course? (BMQ, DP, ect...) [Merged]

    Thanks for the contributions. Well it’s good to hear that a finger just isn’t pointed towards the salad bar and that efforts are made.  If that’s the case (only medically related dietary options protected by regulation) then I would definitely imagine there would be (has to be) many...
  6. S

    What's the food like on course? (BMQ, DP, ect...) [Merged]

    Great question.  Of all organizations, I would hope/imagine that the armed forces would be the most serious about putting good quality, low sodium/low fat, and nutritious food into their people.  Otherwise what kind of fighting force does one expect?  Please tell me that is the case.  On...
  7. S

    Aerospace Control Operator ( AC Op )

    Congratulations on your job offer! But what do you mean “regarding [the] cost of room and board at CFASCO”? Uhhh, unless I’m missing something, doesn’t the CF cover the cost of the room and board and also pay you while training?  Isn’t that the deal?  Isn’t that why they ask you to sign a...
  8. S

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

    Thank you for the replies. In regards to the french, doesn’t knowing how to speak the 2nd official language indeed help you in attaining the rank of Major?  Just been hearing different stuff in regards to 2nd language training for CF officers (some getting to it very early on and others later). ...
  9. S

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

    Formulasteel: Ok, how do you know you are going weapons before you’ve even set foot in Cornwall at the NavCanada facility?  Don’t you do the course in Cornwall, and THEN decide (or have your instructors decide based on your in-class performance)? Waiting 1 YEAR from time of BMOQ to Cornwall...
  10. S

    Navy's piracy mission troubled

    Navy's piracy mission troubled http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/748502--navy-s-piracy-mission-troubled January 09, 2010 Allan Woods OTTAWA–Pirate-fighting sailors had to share uniforms, borrow equipment and battle Ottawa for authority to fly their helicopter, which was key to a...
  11. S

    Logistics Officer - Sea [Merged]

    I am not a recruiter, but it is my understanding that the min. initial contract requirement for Log Officer (DEO) is 6 years.  :christmas happy:
  12. S

    AEC/AC Op -> Math/Physics??

    Hi airmich, Thanks for the tips, and again for being the 1st to respond to my questions. As far as the recruiting centres go, I”ve been a few times, but I have yet to see an Air Force person on the front lines dealing with people, answering questions, etc.  It’s mostly Army  :soldier:  :fifty...
  13. S

    MARS Training [Merged]

    Thank you very much.....
  14. S

    AEC/AC Op -> Math/Physics??

    Hi Mr. Wallace: Yes, there are AEC threads, and only one very faint reference to AEC math that I could find here: http://forums.milnet.ca/forums/threads/68321/post-790883#msg790883 I just wanted to expand on that particular aspect a little more, that’s all. Overall, this forum has proved to...
  15. S

    MARS Training [Merged]

    Congratulations on your acceptance to Reserve MARS bullitt.  8) Who was hammering home that they need a lot of MARS officers? Where they referring to Reg or Reserve? Anyways, any insight/feedback from the MARS community would be appreciated in regards to this topic.  Thank you.
  16. S

    AEC/AC Op -> Math/Physics??

    Are there no AEC's on here?  :'(
  17. S

    MARS Training [Merged]

    Hello:  :salute: I would like to ask the members on here their opinion please. I am considering a few trades, MARS being one, and given that it is closed Reg Force, I would like to ask 2 questions.  Any info would be much appreciated. 1) Am I able to do all my training (basic training and...
  18. S

    MARS Training [Merged]

    Hello: Curious to hear how things (the process) is going with any current MARS applicants out there and what the recruiting people have been saying to you. Good luck and please keep us posted...
  19. S

    AEC/AC Op -> Math/Physics??

    Thanks airmich. If any AEC's on here can please comment on how things are on their side, that would be fantastic!  How's the math/physics with your trade, and what kind of tips can you offer in order for a person to successfully complete the training in Cornwall? Thank you!
  20. S

    AEC/AC Op -> Math/Physics??

    Hello! Any AEC people on here who can fill me in on a few things (Please). What kind of math and/or physics is required with being an AEC (or AC Op) and how much previous knowledge does one need in these subjects before entering training in Cornwall, ON? Any info would be great, and any ideas...