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  1. F

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    The 45 minutes of showertime & inspection prep is going to quickly drop if your staff was anything like mine... There were certain days where only a small % of our platoon were able to shower after PT because of the redic timings we were given; in any case, your best friend is the babywipes!
  2. F

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    Good old Fort York Armory.. You guys are going to have a lot of fun there! Too bad you guys won't get to experience the heat in FYA during summer.. the air filtration system there made every single person in the building sweat several pounds of fat just standing still.
  3. F

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    Because of the nature of the course, very slim chance I would guess.. Only way to find out is to ask your course staff. No one here will be able to give you an answer. It varies from staff to staff on how they want to proceed with these things. Something similar happened on my course where a...
  4. F

    Already 2years and a half

    They're not targeting you because of your race. They make sure to check each person that enters the recruitment centre for weapons or explosives. As you may or may not know...Being in uniform even in Canada puts a target between your eyes, it's in the CF's best interest to minimize any risks...
  5. F

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    Ohh that's good. Lets hope you get through fast!
  6. F

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    Have you had your medicals done yet?
  7. F

    The Ten People You Don't Want to be in Basic

    Every single reason he stated came along with a vivid a humorous memory from my training haha. Spot on. :salute:
  8. F

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    BMQ-Land was held at Fort York Armoury for a week, and then at Borden for the live-firing of the C9 LMG, and field-exercise for a week.
  9. F

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    The only time we were really outside the armoury was for: a) Morning PT - Runs - Ruck March b) Laundry Runs (I don't think you guys will have these at all because you're only spending the weekends there)
  10. F

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    There was another member on here that asked me about part-time BMQ at Fort York Armoury on the same BMQ date as yours. Here's some of the things I've told him so far. _________________________________________________ List of things you will need outside of the mandatory kit list: -...
  11. F

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    No worries, feel free to ask any questions, I will try to answer them all to the best of my abilities. From what I've heard, part-time BMQ will force and cram a lot more information down your throats every chance the instructors get because it is more time constraint compared to the full-time...
  12. F

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    Hello. I just completed my reserves BMQ & BMQ (L) Full-time over two months just last week at Fort York Armoury. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  13. F

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    He was asking what the timings were regarding BMQ (L), which was what I provided. What did you mean by don't mix it up, I didn't understand  ???
  14. F

    The Ten People You Don't Want to be in Basic

    Link not working :'(
  15. F

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    Hello. It differs year to year, and your location. Sometimes BMQ (L) may be held on weekends, sometimes it may not..Same goes for your Trade Qualification. Correct me if I'm wrong & don't quote me on this... but part-time BMQ (L) or Trade Qualifications, if even held at all in the present year...
  16. F

    A couple of questions

    1. Currently on course in the Reserves BMQ full-time summer course, finished week 1. I can't comment much on the weekend BMQ portion, but I think doing the full-time is much better. You don't have to re-adjust from civilian life to military life every weekend, and can sometimes be a pain in the...
  17. F

    Reserve Armour Officer, 2015, at 40!

    Good read! I hope the best for you at BMQ. Update us on how your BMQ went after you return, cheers!
  18. F

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Good stuff on the med doc approval FortYorkRifleman. Best of wishes to you and your application, I've seen you around the forums for quite some time now, and I hope you breeze right through the process!
  19. F

    Word association (just for fun)

  20. F

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    It should be at 4900 Yonge St (Yonge & Sheppherd) Canadian Forces Recruitment Centre. Call your recruiter to verify location & time.