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  1. T

    Working link for CFAO

    I realized the CFAO's link in the topic "References" doesn't work (error 404) and a few people are looking for them. So here's a working link to the Canadian Forces Administrative Orders: http://web.archive.org/web/20060205180529/www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/toc_e.asp
  2. T

    Common CAF References

    CFAO without "error 404" here: http://web.archive.org/web/20060205180529/www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/toc_e.asp
  3. T

    Problème Médical - Besoin de conseil/aide

    Let's keep smiling indeed...
  4. T

    ROTP pays for......???

    That's a good thing to point out... in fact, everything you cannot opt out is covered (some health coverage, "technological" fees, and so on...)
  5. T

    Officer's commission

    That's why I mentionned the CEOTP, but my question refers more specificaly to the ROTP...
  6. T

    Joining Instructions - SUEP vs ROTP

    Joining instructions for BMOQ require that you bring all sorts of things that are already in your personal file...  Basically they just want you to have them with you in case they can't find them.  I was never asked for those during my BMOQ but I still had them with me, just in case. I would...
  7. T

    ROTP pays for......???

    According to the student's guide: - All tuition fees are paid for except: health insurance, public transportation, parking fees, locker fees... - They pay for all the mandatory books that are mentioned in the course syllabus.  If none are mandatory, they pay for one book that is mentionned as...
  8. T

    Officer's commission

    I realized that some officers in the CF have yet to get a university degree... Unless one have risen from the non-commissioned ranks or is in the Continuing Education Officer Training Plan, how is that possible?  Under which circumstances a ROTP Ocdt can recieve his/her commission before...
  9. T

    Problème Médical - Besoin de conseil/aide

    Vous comprenez pas le principe du clin d'oeil?  Sapristis, calmez-vous. J'ai jamais dis à personne de mentir frauduleusement au moment de l'enrolement...  Ils n'ont aucun moyen de vérifier ta religion, tu ne fais que la déclarer (tu as fourni ton baptistaire toi en déclarant que tu étais...
  10. T

    Air Force Forage Cap

    The SERVICE caps (which is the proper term) only cost 31$ on Logistik Unicorp, I don't think that is "$$$", it more of a "$"  ;) Here's some good news for people with a head larger than 7-3/4 or smaller than 6-3/8, have your service cap custom made!  William Scully Ltd. is a uniform...
  11. T

    Problème Médical - Besoin de conseil/aide

    Quel changement de sujet... t'en fait pas pour les allergies, c'est pas de ta faute tout de même!  Pour te donner une idée, ils font des rations pack Halals et végétariens, jamais tu ne va être forcé de manger quoi que ce soit, surtout si tu es allergique!  Et si on t'oblige, tu dis que ta...
  12. T

    Langue d'enseignement

    Il n'y a que de l'armée (ou presque) où il y a des unités entièrement francophones... Dans l'aviation et surtout dans la marine tout (ou presque) ce fait en anglais puisque c'est LA langue internationale et la langue la plus parlée au Canada (c'est malheureusement la réalité... beaucoup de...
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    Yes that's right, it's not OJT anymore, the "E" stands for "employment"... Unless those are two different things?  (So many acronyms!!!) This is my last summer as an Ocdt (should be getting my bachelor degree next december) and I just got my summer's OJE from the ROTP Employment Plan 2010 and...
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    Well... I figured it out for the tailorshop but it seems that my CF clothing store's tailor doesn't do shirts... So now it's a matter of finding a civilian tailor who won't charge me a ridiculous price for 4 shirts...
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    Shirts... yeah shirts... let's talk about them could we?  Am I a mutant?  Do I have a weird morphology??? Let me explain.  My neck size is somewhere between 15½ and 16, I choose to wear 15½ for reasons mentionned below.  My sleeves size would be 34, but 15½ is only offered in 33 or 35 so I wear...
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    Command Badges

    Well George Wallace, you have just made me realise that the obvious is, in fact, pretty obvious  ;) The only thing I don't really get is: why is so many people not wearing command badges?
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    Command Badges

    I graduated from the Canadian Forces Leadership & Recruit School (CFLRS) in St-Jean, Qc this summer and for the graduation parade we were given command badges (that is, the metallic badge worn on the right breast pocket of the DEU) that represent the Chief Military Personnel insignia (bottom...
  18. T

    Pilot Selection

    Alright...  I searched all over the place for answers, maybe there are some here... I'm an officer cadet since august 4th 2008.  Having enrolled in 2008, I fell in the "new" system (which was abandonned the following year) where you are assigned a "trade class" instead of a specific trade when...