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  1. L

    October 2009 BMQ

    I've sworned today!!!! The Caporal told us that "Vous appartenez maintenant à l'armée" !!! C'est partie, October 5th here I come
  2. L

    October 2009 BMQ

    Congradulation rdubbed, unfortunatly, we start on october 5th.
  3. L

    October 2009 BMQ

    Ils m'ont envoyés les mauvais papier, j'ai reçu ceux d'un officier, je vais avoir les bons le 9 septembre
  4. L

    QMB 5 Octobre , St-Jean

    Moi aussi je commence le 5 octobre, trade : Infantrie
  5. L

    October 2009 BMQ

    Félicitation Weapon Tech I can't wait to be there, october 5th seems to be so far!!!! add me both to facebook, J_ricard2000@hotmail.com
  6. L

    October 2009 BMQ

  7. L

    October 2009 BMQ

    Nice, so you'll take the french course?
  8. L

    October 2009 BMQ

    I'm really excited too, I'm from Montreal, St-Jean is at around 45mins from home, I've received the job offer and all the papers I need to fill for St-jean , my assermentation is on September 19. Where are you from?
  9. L

    October 2009 BMQ

    Hi miss meteo, I'm starting on the fifth of october, with the Francophone section, What trade are you in?
  10. L

    Cpl. Christian Bobbitt and Sapper Matthieu Allard Killed By IED -Aug 1/2009

    Reposez en paix mes frères  :salute: Respect a la famille et aux amis. John
  11. L

    October 2009 BMQ

    Hi everyone, I'm John I've just received my job offer after a 7 months process, I will start my BMQ on the 5th of October with the francophone section I am qualified to be an officer, but unfortunately, the infantry trade is close, so I decided to join the ranks :) Anyone else going in...