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Search results

  1. K

    Engineer Songs

    These songs are pretty cool! I can't wait until I get to learn some of those songs! Sounds like you engineers are a cheerful bunch  ;D. I am heading to St. jean on the 9th of Nov to start my BMQ and after that I'll be starting my QL3? for Combat engineering! I'll be joining the ranks (...
  2. K

    November 2009 BMQ

    I was offered a open spot about a month ago but refused it, and apparently my 043 spot went with it and this was after the trade was already closed. They tried to get me to do armored ( must really suck if they gotta force people into it  :P) I told them I didn't want it and I was going to wait...
  3. K

    November 2009 BMQ

    Ya I wouldn't sweat that then, thats nothing. The only way I can see it being a problem is if half your teeth are rotting out and need to be pulled and you need a root canal lol. They would have asked you if it was a big deal. They never asked so I don't think its an issue they are to concerned...
  4. K

    November 2009 BMQ

    I am also going in as a Combat engineer although my BMQ starts on the 9th. They should have looked over all that stuff while you were getting your medical. They asked me a bunch of questions about dental, I would assume that if you lied about it there and they find out later they may not be to...
  5. K

    November 2009 BMQ

    @ AndyRad Ya, it was cheaper for them to get me in for 1 day and finish everything because I live 2 hours away from my closest CFRC. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and hopefully becoming good friends with you. And of course we will all get along great! Hopefully I'll have something...
  6. K

    November 2009 BMQ

    Hmmm, I seem to be the only person I know that had my CFAT, medical/physical and interview all on the same day. Guess I got really really luck  ;D
  7. K

    November 2009 BMQ

    Awesome! Looks like we will be on the same flight. What are you going in for? @ AndyRad Mine here in Newfoundland only took a month from the time I sent my app in to the time I got my job offer.
  8. K

    November 2009 BMQ

    Hey Sudo, I am with ya on that one! I am going Combat Engineer and I'll be leaving on the 7th as well, from St. Johns Newfoundland. I hope to see you there and I wish you the best of luck with your preparations for BMQ! You can PM me if you'd like and I'll give you my email so we can talk a bit...
  9. K

    Patellar Tendinitis?

    Sorry, not trying to be rude but my question has not been answered yet. I asked if it will get me discharged before I even go to BMQ? As in if I tell them will I be finished before I start?
  10. K

    Patellar Tendinitis?

    I was told by my Dr. that I have tendinitis, I have had pain in it for some time now ( about a month). I used to run 10km in 45 everyday and then one day it started and hasn't allowed me to run without paying for it 10 fold the next day. Is that going to get my disqualified from my BMQ in Nov...
  11. K

    Cortisone Injection

    I thought having tendinitis was a disqualification? I think that is what I may have, I have a Dr. appointment 3 days before I ship for BMQ and I will find out then if this is what it is. If it turns out to be tendinitis well I get discharged? or well they help me with it? I am worried that I may...
  12. K

    September 2009 BMQ

    Anyone here going to be going to St. Jean for BMQ on the 28th? Just wondering as this is the date that my BMQ will start! Also, if anyone has any tips or heads up for St.Jean it would be appreciated. And is BMQ really hard on the knees? My knees hurt a bit after high impact workouts but its...
  13. K

    References Superthread [Merged]

    Well they won't accept it (Figured that anyways). And that my recruiter can't fill the info in for me so now I am another week behind  :'(. I called in a couple days ago to find out how my application was progressing and it turned out that he had my app. in his hands  :P. Then he went on the...
  14. K

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Was just wondering what kind of score you need for reg force Infantry. Some of you said 18/60 was minimum, so I would assume around 25/60? Just wondering, cause my math is horrible and i don't want this to screw me out of something I know I would be good at. Any help would be awesome! PS. I did...
  15. K

    References Superthread [Merged]

    I have sent my application in 2 days ago and am awaiting a reply for my tests to be scheduled. For one of my reference spots my Aunt who was a SGT in the air force insisted that I put her down for one of my references. So my question is will they accept this? I understand that it says no family...
  16. K

    Interview advice (merged)

    Ok so I am going to try this again. My last thread had been locked because one of my questions was already answered in another thread, leaving my other more important questions without answer or chance of being answered (Thanks Recceguy lol) Although i should have searched first  :nod:. So here...
  17. K

    A few quick questions?

    Hey guys! As you can probably tell I am new  :D. I have my application all filled out and sitting here in front of me waiting to send it out. The reason that I am waiting to send it out is because of the interview and another little thing, the interview scares the s^#% outta me lol. I have never...