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Search results

  1. Mike28

    October 2009 BMQ

    Wow so excited! 8 more days!
  2. Mike28

    October 2009 BMQ

    Awesome, I've got the Oct. 12th-Feb.5th. Nervous.  :warstory: I'll look for the facebook group.
  3. Mike28

    Highly sought after?

    Well after much research on the different jobs I'd be suited for, Imagery Technician seems a perfect fit for me. After my aptitude test, I found it on my list of recommended jobs. I cant go in for my physical until mid-July. But I was wondering if I should prepare a second choice, in case Image...
  4. Mike28

    June BMQ- 2009

    Well my application is going through, unless theres a problem with my application, they told me I probably will be heading to my BMQ June 29th. See you guys there, those going the same time. Not 100%, but I'm excited.
  5. Mike28

    International Opportunities

    Thats alright though, not a big deal. Going to Hamilton today
  6. Mike28

    International Opportunities

    Thanks all. Lol sorry bout the double post. thought i had a category mix up but I guess not. whatever Hmm I guess noone knows about the international part, thats alright, i'm calling them tomorrow to ask more specific questions.
  7. Mike28

    International Opportunities

    Well I'm thinking of joining the CF. I'm 19, and well..I'm just tired of school, and being an average working joe just doesn't seem appealing to me. And I just hate worrying about what I'm doing and where I am going and such. I figure this could be just for me. Right now I have my eye on the...