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  1. P

    Monthly Pay after deductions - Questions [Merged]

    Without starting a new thread, and related to this topic, can someone please tell me if I get paid between courses in the event that my Naval Environmental Training course doesnt start immediately after basic? Would I also be paid between NET and my actual job training if there were a gap...
  2. P

    First week-end off!

    Im a little confused by this statement. What Documents am I supposed to be making a copy of and bringing with me to BMQ? My application, references and security check? That makes no sense.
  3. P

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    How hard is it to transition from the Navy to MP's? MP's maybe something I would be interested when I re-enlist.
  4. P

    Winter BMQ

    Well, thanks for the info guys. It really is appreciated. Time off isnt a concern, but the Holidays coming up and throwing a wrench in the gears kinda stresses me out. I wish I could just go straight through and get BMQ completed and move onto the next step. Please tell me things will make alot...
  5. P

    Winter BMQ

    Ya youre right. I guess I better get used to it. Does my time from being sworn in to BMQ count as time served without pay?
  6. P

    Winter BMQ

    So with me starting BMQ on the 28th and the tentative date for Holiday leave being the 18th of DEc, that give me 83 days of service, so I wouldnt qualify and would have to pay full price, round trip from Montreal to Calgary and back or suck it up and find accomidations in Montreal or area for...
  7. P

    Winter BMQ

    Yes and No from what I understand. You have to pass BMQ before you move onto your next course, obviously. But you are not tentaively registered for your next course until 30 days before BMQ is finished. So based on the date that your BMQ finishes and when the startup for NET starts, there maybe...
  8. P

    September 2009 BMQ

    Looks like i'll see ya there! PM me your last name so we can chat when we get there.
  9. P

    Winter BMQ

    Thanks for the insught. I do want to be clear on one thing though. The paid travel is for the holidays and for when I am done BMQ? I would hope so.
  10. P

    Winter BMQ

    This brings up another question, didnt look to see if its answered already, sorry. But I figured most upto date answer possible is good. For the Holiday shutdown, do we have the opportunity to go home for that time? I would assume yes.. However, do we have to pay for the commute or would that...
  11. P

    September 2009 BMQ

    Thanks !
  12. P

    September 2009 BMQ

    I get sworn in on the 14th and heading to St.Jean on the 26th and BMQ starts on the 28th... 2 questions, 1) Why would I be deployed 2 days prior to my course starting? Time to get settled? That would be nice, but would also make me very anxious. Unless, im taking a bus... Im not taking a Bus...
  13. P

    BMQ in St.Jean

    Good advice, thanks guys. I havnt found much info on this topic, but is there usually guys on the base to play with? I know CFB Calgary when it was opperating had an outdoor rink that I would go play shinny at with some military folks but im wondering if there is ever anything organized in...
  14. P

    BMQ in St.Jean

    I am not able to create a new thread for some reason and I have searched and searched and was not able to find this topic anywhere else under basic trainging so I have decided to hi-jack this thread. But my question is this, is there a rink to play hockey at when we have time off? I am...
  15. P

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Thanks Chrome and Steve. Appreciate the support. Its settling in that in 100% going now, im feeling a little nervous.
  16. P

    September 2009 BMQ

    Got my call !!! Im leaving Sept.26th to St.Jean, I start sept.28th! See you all there.
  17. P

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    UPDATE!!! Just received my official offer! Job 0114- Naval Combat Information Operator (NCI-OP) Recruiting Center: Calgary Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: NCI-Op Trade Choice 2: NIC-Op Trade Choice 3: Boatswain Application Date: Mid-April 09 First Contact: last week...
  18. P

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Well, how about that. Opened my mouth without knowing WTF I was talking about... again. Gonna have to fix that before basic. Dont need anyone fixing it for me. Anywho... ya, i just thought it was funny as to me it looked like you did the exact opposite from me. But you are right indeed.
  19. P

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    too funny, you went and did the exact opposite of what I did by posting your update in the wrong thread. You should be looking for the Officer thread, no?
  20. P

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Just spoke with my file manager and was advised I have been Merit Listed for a few days now. I was Merit Listed on July 26th and advised I will be receiving a call in the next week from him with my official offer. So... now its time to stop being anxious and start preparing. Recruiting Center...