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Search results

  1. Kiwi

    Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

    Haha, I might just have to do that. Some more interesting details of his colourful career for you folks: The incident where he was shot occurred when he got out of a hummvee somewhere in Afghanistan.  As the story goes a 13 year old boy with an AK-47 shot him twice on the right side of his...
  2. Kiwi

    Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

    So here's a little story in progress for you chaps, I'm currently living and working in Kelowna.  I'd been doing day labouring at a site for a couple of days where I met a guy by the name of Corey.  I introduced myself to him and we started working together loading wood into a waste bin.  We get...
  3. Kiwi

    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    G'day chaps, Been a while but here's where everything is at.  I'm now traveling in Canada (living in Kelowna for the summer) and making inquiries with one of the SAR guys.  Still looking at moving here and being a firefighter for a few years until I am eligible to enlist.
  4. Kiwi

    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    Bit of an update - managed to get copies of most of my course reports as well as some other bits and pieces.  Also got in touch with a SARTech who said he'll have an ask around and see what sort of info he can find.  ;D
  5. Kiwi

    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    Done!  I've sent a PM to ComdCFRG and I'm writing up a CV now.  Chances are I wont be able to use it for a while but it saves trying to remember all the details a couple of years down the track.  I'll hit up my Platoon Sgt, Pl Cmd, OC etc. for references as well as copies of my course...
  6. Kiwi

    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    Hey guys - I've talked to my CoC and one of the nursing officers who has worked with the CF at Kandahar as well as sending an email to the CF recruiters. NO: Has said that she'll try get me contacts for the MOs and other medical staff she knows so I'll send them an email explaining my...
  7. Kiwi

    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    Cheers, will do.  I'm not sure who would be best to talk to but I'll pass it up the CoC.  If they can facilitate a transfer chances are I'll still do my 2 years travel then reinlist back in the NZ Army then swap over to the CF.
  8. Kiwi

    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    That adds a couple more years to that estimate.  Do you know of any Kiwis that have joined?
  9. Kiwi

    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    G'day all, Just thought I'd have an ask around to see if anyone here might be able to shed a little light on my situation. I've served as a medic in the New Zealand Army for the last 2 1/2 years.  At the moment I'm looking at joining the CF and becoming a SARTech, mainly because I want to make...