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  1. Dooley

    Honours & Awards (merged)

    Since the DND changed the medal you are entitled to claim the cost required to do so.  As for your unit holding the RB for 18 months, that is completely unacceptable.  Timely recognition has 2 main parts; First is the unit CoC nominating/applying for the mbr in a timely fashion and presenting...
  2. Dooley

    Honours & Awards (merged)

    Ref: A - CANFORGEN 066/10 - NEW OVERSEAS RECOGNITION FRAMWORK Rotation Bars will be awarded for multiple tours within the same theatre of operations and are based on a cumulative day count of time served.  For the GCS the RB's are gold in colour and bear a single centered maple leaf denoting 1...
  3. Dooley

    Honours & Awards (merged)

    Ref: CANFORGEN 072/10 - GCS AND GSM - QUALIFYING SERVICE AMENDMENTS ISAF and ALLIED FORCE bars: 'Allied Force' bars to the GCS and GSM are to be removed, and returned to DH&R via 728, and the medal re-ribboned to the GCS-AF and/or GSM-AF. 'ISAF' bars to the GCS and GSM are to be removed from...
  4. Dooley

    Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

    DOAD 5002-1, ENROLMENT http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/dao-doa/5000/5002-1-eng.asp " Membership in Cadet Organizations On the day of enrolment, an applicant may not be a cadet in a cadet organization authorized under section 46 of the National Defence Act. "
  5. Dooley

    Honours & Awards (merged)

    Ref: CANFORGEN 127/00 - COURT MOUNTING OF MEDALS AT PUBLIC EXPENSE Court mounting medals The common misconception is that if you only have one then you don’t need to have it mounted. All CF mbr’s are required to have their medals court mounted and as such the CF will pay, or reimburse the...
  6. Dooley

    Honours & Awards (merged)

    Refs CANFORGEN 003/09 - APPLICATION FOR SERVICE/CAMPAIGN MEDALS CANFORGEN 047/09 - DESIGNATION OF MEDALS APPLICATION CLERKS CANFORGEN 096/09 - PROOF OF SERVICE FOR MEDALS ENTITLEMENT Info on ordering service medals for serving mbr’s of the CF: All applications must be created using the Medal...
  7. Dooley

    Honours & Awards (merged)

    Occam is right, there is nothing wrong with this picture.  Depending on when this mbr served in Korea, they would be elgible for the CPSM.  And since the CPSM is a Canadian Honour it is always before any international medal.
  8. Dooley

    Honours & Awards (merged)

    For better info and refs see the following sites: DH&R - For current authorized medals http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhr-ddhr/index-eng.asp VAC http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/collections/cmdp/mainmenu GG - For current Orders and Honours http://www.gg.ca/document.aspx?id=5 As for the CD, CDN...
  9. Dooley

    Honours & Awards (merged)

    Good day all, I am creating this thread to help educate and defuse as many myths about the Canadian Honours and Awards system and I invite anyone to please post questions they may have.  From whether or not someone is allowed to wear an undressed ribbon before presentation of the medal, to the...