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  1. C

    Future of the OPME program/Everything you ever wanted to know about OPME

    I haven't seen the CANFORGEN for the new OPME program, but does anybody know how it will work if you have some of the old OPME courses done?  I will have 5/6 completed at the end of the winter term.  Will I get credit for those 5 or do I start from scratch?  Might be worthwhile to sign up for my...
  2. C

    Air Combat Systems Officer ( ACSO )

    I was just posted to 414.  Posting to the squadron comes down to needs of the squadron, preferences and your course standing.  You do well and you might get what you want.  As for the training, there's nothing to do before the course, just show interest. CSH
  3. C

    Air Navigators

    Hey Guys, so I finally got my first posting and the answer is... Greenwood.  I am also loaded on IA for November, SERE for February and Sea Survival in March.  Here's what I was hoping to get from you guys, what am I looking forward to? Where will i stay in Greenwood for a year? Single Quarters...
  4. C

    Air Navigators

    New trade name is Air Combat Systems Officer (ACSO) and it is an Officer trade.
  5. C

    Air Navigators

    That makes me feel better... I put Greenwood, Comox, and Trenton down... What about yourself?
  6. C

    Air Navigators

    Hey Guys, so it's only only a couple months before graduation and my first real posting (where ever that may be...).  Still waiting on a message and a security clearance.  Any chance that I'm headed straight to Winnipeg right away?  I know I need my Level 2 Security clearance before I start...
  7. C

    Air Navigators

    Hey Guys, So I'm down to 4th year of University and they are now asking me for posting preferences.  As an ACSO my main interests are UAVs or something on heavies like MP or Transport.  That being said, what are my 3 best options for attached postings before I go on course?  My worry is that if...
  8. C

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    Hey Guys, I was just looking in to career progression and rank promotion as an Air Combat Systems Officer (former ANAV).  Now I know I'm a young officer (still an OC with a year left in school) but I was wondering if there were any links to regulations for promotions and such.  I have the pay...
  9. C

    I can't believe it. How did this happen?

    Well you might as well hear what I have to say as well.  I went through a very similar circumstance 3 years ago right before I started University.  I already had my acceptance to a Civi U so I was pretty well set on going there as opposed to RMC.  I attended ACS and passed both the ANAV and the...
  10. C

    Air Navigators

    no need to be sarcastic CND Aviator... i assumed as such but i didn't know UAV pilots had specific names... so... from what i'm getting ACSOs fulfill a number of different positions.. you guys want to break those down? (if you use an acronym put the full name after so i know what it is...)
  11. C

    Air Navigators

    and what exactly do AVOs do?
  12. C

    Air Navigators

    Apparently I am not doing SOT this summer (which is my last prior to graduation).  I have applied for OJE at 3 different squadrons in Trenton in hopes that I can learn something about what goes on.  Has there been any changes in the training program now that we are ACSOs?
  13. C

    Air Navigators

    Thanks Zoomie... do I get any choice of where I go for the OJT or will they just send me somewhere? and if I do get the choice, any suggestion where to go? I tried to get rid of the cornflake before but because I am responsible to ASU London (an army reserve base) they didn't exactly under...
  14. C

    Air Navigators

    We'll this seems as good of place as any to ask my questions about ANAVs or ACSOs as I'm told the name is.  First off, I am in 3rd year university as an ROTP student with acceptance to the ANAV trade.  I have completed my Basic Training and am now unsure of what comes next.  I do still have...