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  1. H

    Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

    Thanks for all the great posts and ideas, the mess that I am concerned with is the mess for CFSATE, and the sheer number of people attending the mess is overwhelming, I feel mabye they are short staff during peek times. I will put comments in a speak with the NCM's on duty and my staff to see...
  2. H

    Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

    The mess in Borden is terrible if you want to eat healthy you better get their early, The fruit is limited, and when it is available its rotten or tastes bad.  if you want a sandwich your waiting 15min at lunch. And the selection on food is awful compared to other bases, . They always run out of...
  3. H

    Trouble selling my home, help so I can move into a PMQ

    At the moment I am on course in Borden. I have only been in the military for one year. I won't be posted until next january
  4. H

    Trouble selling my home, help so I can move into a PMQ

    I'm using my own Realtor not Royal My father in law would sign the house over but  would cost me ?? If I could get my name or my wife's on the house not as the primary owner would they be able to help ?  
  5. H

    Trouble selling my home, help so I can move into a PMQ

    Do you think they can help me if the house is not in mine or my wife's name ?
  6. H

    Trouble selling my home, help so I can move into a PMQ

    Well here is my dilemma, I am married with two kids who are living in Windsor. Three years before I joined the forces we bought a house together. However at the time I didn't make enough money, "on paper"  to own a house so we put the house In my father in law's name. Now I want to move my...