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  1. shanesgirl

    Is this even possible? Postponing or Splitting Time Between BMQ and 3's

    Shanesgirl SQ is 4 weeks Thank you!!
  2. shanesgirl

    Graduation Day soon approaching.

    Thats what i got as well, it is cheaper and im getting him to reserve me a room this weekend before he goes to Farnam(I think thats what its called-i know im such a civie lol) NOW im having problems with booking the tickets, so goes life i guess, is there anything special i could get him to...
  3. shanesgirl

    Graduation Day soon approaching.

    Thanks guys!! i was just on expedia and couldnt find the hotel but I'm going to search again, I found a good rate straight from the web site it was $110 a night is that cheaper that the military discount?? Im getting pretty psyched for this trip now! (high fives!)
  4. shanesgirl

    Afghanistan, is it worth it- Cheating Spouse Thread

    I know no one has replyed to this topic in quite sometime but reading the thread i had to respond.  Your wife was selfish and insecure, she showed you her true colors and you should count your self lucky you got out when you did, whats even worse is you two were probably together before you...
  5. shanesgirl

    Graduation Day soon approaching.

    thanks lil_T, but if you dont mind why is that? (about the discount)
  6. shanesgirl

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    O.k, this wasnt said today but I did say this  to my husband ( he would be so proud of me posting this ) who then turned and stared at me for quite some time, it was the summer and there was a water restriction for lawns, well anyway  the news was informing homeowners on how much water could be...
  7. shanesgirl

    Graduation Day soon approaching.

    Thanks that really helped alot, this site is GREAT! everyone is soo helpful.  Thanks to you both im kind of freaked out it'll be my first time on a plane, and knowing what to expect and how prepared to be is calming Chevalnoir, is that the Holiday Inn Express web site?  I dont think my husband...
  8. shanesgirl

    Graduation Day soon approaching.

    Thanks!!  im going to check that out my self right now, another thing, does the cab from the airport cost much or is there another way to get to St Jeans?
  9. shanesgirl

    Graduation Day soon approaching.

    My husband is graduating from bmq in Feb, hes in St Jean Quebec, I was wondering if anyone has any useful information as well, such as hotels and what to expect.  I read the other posts and it seemed to help the gentleman whos daughter graduated (congratulations!!) and I would like to be...
  10. shanesgirl

    Is this even possible? Postponing or Splitting Time Between BMQ and 3's

    i dont know if this has much to do with the topic but i do have a question my husband is in st jean doing his bmq, he'll be graduating in feb from there we were hoping for wainwright for sq my question is how long is soldier qualification? will it be like bmq? with regards to home and what not?
  11. shanesgirl

    Dealing with being home from Kandahar

    Piper           Your words have affected me in ways that are so deep its amazing.  The gratitude I feel towards your sacrifce is shamefully inadquate and there are no words for it.  Thank you Piper, i owe you and others like you my very freedom as well as the freedom of my children and theirs...