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  1. M

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I want to time travel too....  ;D
  2. M

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Ottawa Regular/Reserves: Regular Officer/NCM: ROTP - Civilian University Trade Choice 1: Nursing Trade Choice 2: Infantry Trade Choice 3: Aerospace Control Application Date: January 12th, 2011 CFAT: Jan. 27th, 2009 - Old one still valid. First Contact: 21 Feb 2011 Update...
  3. M

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Ottawa Regular/Reserves: Regular Officer/NCM: ROTP - Civillian University (Ottawa U) Trade Choice 1: Nursing Trade Choice 2: Infantry Trade Choice 3: Aerospace Control Application Date: January 12th, 2011 First Contact: CFAT: Jan. 27th, 2009 - Old one still valid. I'm still...
  4. M

    Infantry Officer Wait Time

    Have a look at this: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/88342.0.html As for processing times, it varies a lot for each individual, no way we can answer that accurately.
  5. M

    Waiting list.

    Have a look at this: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/88342.0.html
  6. M

    Salut tlm !

    Je ne vois vraiment pas le lien de ce message avec le reste de la conversation...
  7. M

    The Blood Pressure Superthread

    Stop worrying so much about it.
  8. M

    ROTP 2011-2012

    I re-applied for ROTP Civilian University in Nursing in January 2011 (former application in 2009). Since it has been almost a month, I decided to check up on my file since I had been told I would require an update interview and possibly an update medical and I would be contacted quickly to...
  9. M


    Please don't.. I beg you. :)
  10. M

    DUI - Effects on Joining?

    Thank you!! I will fall asleep less stupid today!  :)
  11. M

    DUI - Effects on Joining?

    I was thinking the same thing; isn't that a bribe? A large donation under your own name, sure.. but under the name of the person deciding your fate in an effort to get a better (for you) decision? For fun, I looked into the definition of bribery: Bribery, a form of corruption, is an act...
  12. M

    dossier médical pour le recrutement

    Tu devrais avoir un gestionaire de dossier (file manager), qui pourra te diriger vers la bonne personne, s'il ne peut te répondre.
  13. M

    dossier médical pour le recrutement

    ledeux: Si les conditions médicales de l'applicant demandes des clarifications, le médecin du centre de recrutement demande à l'appliquand de faire remplir des documents justificatifs à un spécialiste/médecin de famille. hk416: Si c'est pour la régulière, je ne crois pas, mais je pourrais me...
  14. M

    ROTP 2011-2012

    Some processes run in parallel; this could be the case.
  15. M

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    a short while later.... update! Everything has been cleared for my allergies and I can now reapply, which I did yesterday. Recruiting Center: Ottawa Regular/Reserves: Regular Officer/NCM: ROTP - Civillian University (Ottawa U) Trade Choice 1: Nursing Trade Choice 2: Infantry Trade Choice 3...
  16. M

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    Sorry, yes that's definitely true. I was thinking that they stopped after his Level II was granted and the OP was sure of that.
  17. M

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    If they processed your application as a Level II instead of a Level III, you will most likely have to re-submit an application for the level III. They might be able to reuse your paperwork, but I'm not sure. The only advantage you will have here is that certain checks will be fairly fresh and...
  18. M

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    Sorry, clearly I didn't voice my opinion the right way... Yes, I'm aware that it's extremely difficult for individuals who have to declare bankruptcy, my father going through this right now. Declaring bankruptcy, in his case, was a last resort and he couldn't continue living without doing...
  19. M

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    Dunner, I believe in your situation you demonstrated that you believe in accountability and "doing the right thing" by paying you bills. Too many people nowadays chose the easy way out and file for bankrupcty when they could potentially make arrangements to pay off their debt with a little work...
  20. M

    References Superthread [Merged]

    I re-read the forms, it seems it's changed since back in the days! You are correct, 5 years of addresses. I didn't mean you only need to list those after 16. Of course it's better if someone has known you for more time.