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  1. Quartermaster

    Logistics cap badge meaning

    All kinds of good log stuff here: http://dgmssc.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/logbranch/handbook/index_e.asp
  2. Quartermaster

    Room and board while at BMQ

    If you are on a restricted posting while on course, regardless of what course it may be, you will have to pay for rations and quarters (R&Q).  If you are posted to a unit and subsequently sent on a course on Temporary Duty (TD) status, then you will not pay for R&Q. Oh and in case it comes up...
  3. Quartermaster

    RFT abolished?

    Nicely said. EDIT:  I passed this text along to the commander of the orgainzation that is responsible for WFT.  I hope you don't mind.
  4. Quartermaster

    RFT abolished?

    Vern, I wish I could say "never" but that would be unrealistic.  It would be very rare that this would happen and could only occur under very specific circumstances.  The fact that is is a PO is no change from the past, so overall this policy is a huge improvement IMO.
  5. Quartermaster

    New Operational Service Medal Announced

    I know that the SSM with bar was the original thought, but it was pushed forward by the Task Force COS among others that HALO met the criteria to have its own medal stricken. That sent the whole process back to square one, but I believe it was the right way to do it.  Over the last two years I...
  6. Quartermaster

    RFT abolished?

    OK troops, let's kill the rumour mill. Firstly, RFT stood for "Recruit Fitness Training" and was changed to "Warrior Fitness Training" to avoid the exact mistake that was made above (reference "remedial") as well as try to engender a sense that the students of that organization are training to...
  7. Quartermaster

    New Operational Service Medal Announced

    I recently decided to see if anyone posted any OP HALO pictures on Facebook and found a group called OP HALO Recognition.  There was recent info (albeit second-hand) from a CMP staff officer regarding the medal.  No timeline of course, but info all the same. I also put a bug in the ear of...
  8. Quartermaster

    Current Distribution System used by Army

    I'm pretty sure you can find the Canadian "Army Electronic Library" from the internet, and not just the DND intranet (although I can't confirm that at the moment).  Just Google to your hearts content and you should be able to find everything that you're looking for.
  9. Quartermaster

    Atlantic Logspeil - Gagetown 8-11th Feb 07 - Anybody out there going?

    You ended up with Petra AND Marc on the team???  Those two are incorrigible.
  10. Quartermaster

    Changes to the training plan for LOG O

    Wow, did this thread ever go to hell quickly.  To the original poster, I hope that the first page of posts answered your question... For the record, having worked on operations with a MAGTF organization and relied upon them for support, I was very impressed with their flexibility and combat...
  11. Quartermaster

    Changes to the training plan for LOG O

    This is all good to hear.  In addition to that, I grabbed this out of the Career Manager's briefing.  The proposed flow of DP 1 for Log (Land) is as fols: BOTP CAP D&M on common log vehs LOC-C With initial intro to fin mgt, procurement and contracting (Quartermaster's edit - current Ph III)...
  12. Quartermaster

    Changes to the training plan for LOG O

    I've heard rumours to the same effect, but have not seen anything official.  The last Occupational Analysis (OA) got us what we have today, which is officers who are promotable to Captain without any specialty training.  Obviously there needs to be a change.  As a matter of fact I wrote a...
  13. Quartermaster

    Question regarding the wearing of medals in messes

    This is what I was referring to in my first post.  I do find the ref quoted by MARS interesting though.  Particularly the mention of "...where the invitation or parade order indicates that they are appropriate." This might be the most pertinent ref to my question. 
  14. Quartermaster

    Question regarding the wearing of medals in messes

    If the name of the pub pops into mind, I'd appreciate the ref so I can get my hands on it.  It's always the least important point that takes up the most amount of time at O Gp.  ::) Thanks
  15. Quartermaster

    Question regarding the wearing of medals in messes

    Ironically, it has only ever been combined messes (Officer/Sr NCO) where I have seen this rule.  It never came up in Officer's messes.
  16. Quartermaster

    Question regarding the wearing of medals in messes

    Here's one for the Dress Reg fanatics. Most army messes I have been a member of have had a "no medals" policy with the exception of Remembrance Day and New Year's Levee.  I have looked at the 265 myself and while it does indicate that you wear a lower order of dress when a higher one is deemed...
  17. Quartermaster

    The Grip Strength Superthread- Read Here First

    The grip test would not be substituted for chin-ups in this case because the Modification mentioned in the earlier post refers to an inability to perform the test, not an inability (or presumed inability) to pass the test.  In other words, some specific injury that would keep a person from doing...
  18. Quartermaster

    Saluting during Remembrance day ceremonies

    Whoops, wrote faster than I can read...
  19. Quartermaster

    Fitness for Operational Requirements of CAF Employment ( FORCE )

    On your first point, the line was rhetorical, I thought that was clear, my bad. Secondly, I can't argue the 2 and 4 is not much of a standard, but when 2 of 3 strength tests passed meant that a candidate could pass handgrip and sit-ups and fail with 0 push-ups and still begin training, it's an...
  20. Quartermaster

    Fitness for Operational Requirements of CAF Employment ( FORCE )

    Just so people's head's don't explode, the minimum standard for continued employment in the CF hasn't changed, but the physical abilities of many of the recruits has.  And not for the better... To stay on course following the first fitness test, the minimums for push-ups is 2 and 4 for women...