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  1. C

    Age Limits to Join

    OK as it is, i am 16 i just turned it march 22nd, i have 12 high school credits, will get 4 more at the end of this school semester. I am very interested in the ARMY reserves , actually i have been since about 14 years old. I basically worked and worked thinking i would need to be in crazy...
  2. C

    Age Limits to Join

    OK as it is, i am 16 i just turned it march 22nd, i have 12 high school credits, will get 4 more at the end of this school semester. I am very interested in the ARMY reserves , actually i have been since about 14 years old. I basically worked and worked thinking i would need to be in crazy...
  3. C

    Age Limits to Join

    thank you george ! you are much help , i read many many topics and get a better understanding from your answers thank you. mike
  4. C

    Age Limits to Join

    o ok sorry ! i understand now thank you
  5. C

    Age Limits to Join

    sorry .. i meant to ask could i apply for multiple REGIMENTS.. like i want to apply to more then one for the same trade to improve my chances.. sorry for the miscommunication
  6. C

    Age Limits to Join

    hi all, i have searched and searched but could not find an answer to my question, and i would just like to know.. i would just like to know if it is possible to apply for more then one reserve unit, to improve chances of being accepted at at least one. If their is a thread that i could not...
  7. C

    Age Limits to Join

    i have confirmed that where i am does offer summer BMQ
  8. C

    Age Limits to Join

    ahah well what ever you would like thank you!
  9. C

    Age Limits to Join

    JINGO:) i don't know how to put this in better words other then to say i love you! thank you very much for your assistance hopefully this all ends up working smoothly
  10. C

    Age Limits to Join

    thank you for your help and responces but i'll explain my situation with a little more detail, i will be turning 16 as of March 22, 2010  what i want to do is apply around that time at my local Reserve unit in time to start training that summer (June, 2010), or is that even possible?, i WILL be...
  11. C

    Age Limits to Join

    hi guys, you've all been great and have helped me understand the Canadian Forces and have just been awesome, but i have one last question.. I plan on joining the reserves when i turn 16 and have my grade 10 credits, i just want to know if i can apply before i am 16 so that i will be able to do...
  12. C

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    thank you for your answer:) much appreciated
  13. C

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    hi, this topic has been brought up once before i read threw it and personally it wasn't given a proper responce, and i just want to know if i can smoke salvia while i am in the armed forces? it has no long term effects on the body, is a proven anti-depressant, the high last for 15-20 minutes...
  14. C

    Hate towards muslims....

    this video is has bugged me to an un believe able extent... http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=pKzPOUyt_AA&watch_response "whats the point of muslims" im sorry but does this not defy y we are there? are we not there to help these people? is this a war of extermination! NO! its a war of humanity if...