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Search results

  1. T

    Leaving Children For Training, Etc. -Merged

    I have a family and will be going into training as an officer for EME after basic and wonder how much chance there is to pick where you go? I would like to work in BC. If posted somewhere else, would it be in Canada? Will there be any relocation assistance? I don't mind selling the house; I...
  2. T

    Interview advice (merged)

    I am very sorry Mr. Wallace; please forgive me for not reading the site guidelines. Rest assured that all future posts will be written in a professional manner.
  3. T

    Interview advice (merged)

    str8 up yes will lose wt. i guess in 1500 hundred of yer posts u nev abbr.'d if u haven't any info to offer u have too much time on your hands
  4. T

    Interview advice (merged)

    yes i should have spoken to someone after i passed aptitude for eme officer i have a picture of how i hope things will go training/working maybe need a reality check at my interview i speak about everything on the interview sheet at 50yo have a very good grasp of electronics [radar,two way...
  5. T

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    yes I will thax so much 8)
  6. T

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    i wear glasses all my life i always pass for testing drivers etc. so i assume i wear glasses for the test to ensure perscription is up to par?
  7. T

    Interview advice (merged)

    Great, now i know what to expect at the interview i didn't see nor speak with a recruiter, just reviewed and decided my best fit would be enter regular force and get training to become an EME officer how long after a successful interview will it be b4 going to Que for basic after successful...
  8. T

    Reserves EME officer a "dying breed?"

    ok thx i guess the interview is not a given i only know i should review the cut sheet re: officer eme any other tidbits you can share re: medical interview thx again this is a great help for me
  9. T

    Reserves EME officer a "dying breed?"

    yes off to the gym i wonder how much time after interview i go to basic i would like to learn what to expect at the interview...eme knowledge for sure i guess that there must be a contract negotiation is there some ranking timeline i can see for an eme officer? [officer cadet subordiante jr...
  10. T

    Reserves EME officer a "dying breed?"

    regular force i can't do a situp nor run 2.4km without stopping so need alot of work
  11. T

    New Procedures for the medical in the recruiting process

    I go for interview and medical next week, what takes place? and what forms will they hand me? If successful when will I go to Que.?
  12. T

    Reserves EME officer a "dying breed?"

    hi i have an interview to start as an EME officer and would like to prepare for the interview any advice? Also what are the steps after a successful interview, physical training, how long? I guess I may need to run a mile, until i can do it :warstory:
  13. T

    Reserves EME officer a "dying breed?"

    Hello My name is Steven, I passed an aptitude test for EME and will go for an interview in two weeks. I have read over the cutsheets re: EME and get more excited each time, how can one prepare for this interview? What are they looking for? Any help you can extend me will be greatly appreciated...