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  1. CountDC

    Care for CADPAT

    Easier said than done in some cases. I still have the purple pajamas for if I was ever to go to the field. Actually wore them twice I think. I noticed a little bit in the dress regs about how when a new uniform is approved we are no longer allowed to wear the old without the CDS approval...
  2. CountDC

    Current Dress Regs

    Butch was my style as a kid but we called it a brush cut. Personally I found having long hair did make a difference when I was a runner. Didn't realize how much until I joined and had it cut off, was like I lost 20 pounds off my head and I didn't get as hot. The barber did mention if he...
  3. CountDC

    Current Dress Regs

    ok admitting up front - I am being lazy here. Can someone advise on the current dress regs in regards to males wearing earrings? I am wondering as I recently saw a couple members wearing what I know was not at standard before and do not recall an amendment sent around to change it. One had...
  4. CountDC

    Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

    Yet the Federal Government has stepped into the provincial health care domain providing diabetes medicine and birth control with a plan to expand so guess they could have included something like Tylenol for seniors while they were at it. As for the "mandated" - kind of tired of that argument...
  5. CountDC

    King Charles III

    We can? I seem to be a mix of 2 or 3 uniforms behind the announced modern uniforms. I do finally have a jacket with Velcro all over the place and just got name tags with anchors.
  6. CountDC

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    Wouldn't it be amazing if leaders were allowed to lead and determine if they needed their staff in house or could WFH? Work wise I could easily go with a split schedule but for appearances we do a full in office schedule with WFH days scattered when it makes sense (ie have an appointment that...
  7. CountDC

    Restricted posting - Selling a house and buying a house

    Could admittedly be wrong but my understanding is that this was not delegated down and has to be recommended to the minister by the CDS. The 2 location thing is a mess for the member. Again could be wrong as the information provided is a bit vague as others have noted. It appears that he...
  8. CountDC

    Pro/Anti Child Bearing Policies (split from "Canada don’t matter" thread)

    Sorry, don't really know anything about him other than recognizing his name and some people hated him while others liked him. So you do put an age limit on when people can have children and receive benefits. Housing paid off - that would be nice but in reality not everyone has had the chance...
  9. CountDC

    Pro/Anti Child Bearing Policies (split from "Canada don’t matter" thread)

    50K? Is that what you live off? is that net or gross? I know 50k is not supporting me and my family, guess I shouldn't have had those kids after all. That's ok, I already plan to work myself to death. Do you factor in that some people getting OAS will still have kids and spouses to...
  10. CountDC

    Using Reg F (Military) SWE to pay PRes C-127?

    There is a system in place to request a reserve force backfill of a reg f position the career manager has confirmed will not be filled. The unit has to submit the request which makes it way up to D Mil C for approval. We currently have one at our location and when I left a prior unit with no...
  11. CountDC

    Pro/Anti Child Bearing Policies (split from "Canada don’t matter" thread)

    Kinda sounds like you are saying lets spend money now to get more young people and when they get old too bad for them.
  12. CountDC

    Phoenix Pay System - Shit's Horrible

    hmmmm future employment 😁
  13. CountDC

    Pro/Anti Child Bearing Policies (split from "Canada don’t matter" thread)

    Not a problem, we make up the difference for him with 5 kids.
  14. CountDC

    Canada doesn’t matter to the rest of the world - and it’s our own fault

    Leave me sauerkraut alone!! Goes with everything. Good alternative is Kimji to spice things up.
  15. CountDC

    Army Reserve Restructuring

    Regardless of what they would like there is a need to do something to better house the military units as the old horse era buildings no longer meet the needs. We need new with proper compounds and training areas so the units can operate properly. Even in my time the difference between deuce...
  16. CountDC

    Canada doesn’t matter to the rest of the world - and it’s our own fault

    hmmm - clicking the numbers did nothing for me. boo.
  17. CountDC

    Canada doesn’t matter to the rest of the world - and it’s our own fault

    No it's not but is it any crazier to think when moving to another country that has 2 official languages that you should learn at least one of them? It is one of the biggest change I have seen in immigrants over the years. Before joining I met and worked with immigrants from various places...
  18. CountDC

    Canada doesn’t matter to the rest of the world - and it’s our own fault

    From my understanding Halifax deals with a large problem with certain refugees mainly living on government funding in such places as the PUBs. In Toronto the problems I have been made aware of have also been refugees and illegal immigrants that are mainly on government funding.
  19. CountDC

    King Charles III Coronation Medal

    Oh goody good - All liberals line up for your medals, Trudeau to the front. Do we give it to Drake or Beiber? Sorry, I just completely hate these things. I believe either they shouldn't exist or should be given to every serving member of the military.
  20. CountDC

    King Charles III

    Bite your tongue - that will never be inappropriate.