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  1. d53642

    OT offers 09

    Message Center for my AVOTP.
  2. d53642

    OT offers 09

    I got an AVOTP, friend in Ottawa got his UTPNCM.  So both types of messages are coming out.
  3. d53642

    OT offers 09

    Got mine today, being a clerk helped me and being friends with the Yeoman so I seen it as soon as he downloaded it from the message server.  My boss didn't look to happy that I got accepted though. I was actually surprised I got accepted after the less the stellar review he gave me. My friend...
  4. d53642

    DEUs Question

    I haven't gone through them all, just checked out a few of them to see what different trades had. But as with most things when your unsure, just ask your boss or someone you know. Most people that have been in a few years knows how the different badge levels work and it shouldn't be too hard to...
  5. d53642

    DEUs Question

    I have only seen 3 tailor shops so far in my six year career and they had the charts up but the tailors also knew what badges you needed as well. I have also stumbled upon this throughout my pub/din searches for other various things too. It should help some of those guys out there that doesn't...
  6. d53642

    Stretched ears. Will I need surgery?

    We had a clerk in Halifax that had holes in his lobes from wearing the the rings in them. is holes were not very big when they weren't in but it was noticeable. I haven't seen him around for a bit so he maybe posted to ship or out of area by now or even released.  The recruiters should also be...
  7. d53642

    EMMA Thread [Merged]

    Thanks for the quick Replys, will have to check my pay settings when I get to work after leave.
  8. d53642

    EMMA Thread [Merged]

    Anyone have the link for EMMA to check stuff from home?
  9. d53642

    PBS documentary "Carrier"

    I don't think the romancing is anymore on there than one of our Frigates, I have seen romancing on our own ships and you have to understand the Nimitz has 5000 or so people on it compared to our little Frigates that hold 180-250 at any given time. If you expanded our Frigate to hold 5000 then...
  10. d53642

    Why we pay Reservists what we do (Including Reg v.s. Cl B v.s. Cl C pay, and Double-Dippin')

    Trust me they do, I watch them fill out the claim every month for it.
  11. d53642

    Why we pay Reservists what we do (Including Reg v.s. Cl B v.s. Cl C pay, and Double-Dippin')

    Being a reg force clerk at a reserve unit and one of the bigger ones and more active NRD's in NAVRES, I make more money as a LS than my MS reserve counter part does. Even though we do, do the same work they also get TD for their contract because both the clerks are from Ontario. They also get...
  12. d53642

    Why we pay Reservists what we do (Including Reg v.s. Cl B v.s. Cl C pay, and Double-Dippin')

    Being a former reservist and working at a reserve unit now as a reg force member, I don't agree either they should be on equal grounds. I agree with you totally Haggis. Ran in my local paper and thought I would share it with everyone else.
  13. d53642

    Why we pay Reservists what we do (Including Reg v.s. Cl B v.s. Cl C pay, and Double-Dippin')

    http://www.thechronicleherald.ca/Metro/1044466.html The federal labour minister was in Halifax on Tuesday trumpeting legislation aimed at protecting the civilian jobs of reservists while they’re conducting military training or deployed overseas. But some people in the audience at HMCS Scotian...