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  1. W

    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    First i would like to say I am not expert in FWSAR. But what would be  the harm of Viking work with DND to upgrade the Buffalo. They have already shown success in upgrading other dash aircraft. I would like to mix of buffalo and C27J for in FWSAR.  Each aircraft complements  that other for...
  2. W

    DND may be shopping for new subs, sources say

    Let Face it The JSS is part LDP, AOR and Icebreaker as one on the duties is to travel the north west passage to re enforce that It is Part of Canada and not an international shipping passage. The JSS is also going to be used to resupply the new artic deep sea port and other bases and...
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    DND may be shopping for new subs, sources say

    From everything i seen on the JSS would make it closer to the San Antonio than the old AOR that we have. It will have a large fuel tanks and ice harden hull which would more like make it more damage proof maybe? The JSS will have a air wing of 3 to 4 copters A command and control unit for land...
  4. W

    Destroyer Replacement Program

    I am trying to follow you here? I am not proposing a 20 000 ton FFH or AAW. Maybe Canada should join Germany on the 125 frigate. But with 28 000 ton JSS being built and New polar icebreakers planned the naval bases are going to have the be upgraded. So then what the point being made. However...
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    Close Air Support in the CF: Bring back something like the CF-5 or introduce something with props?

    Just asking, The type of conflicts that Canada is doing right now woulf it not be better to convert 4 130H into ground attact planes like the US uses as the new C130J are delivered. DID the Four C-17 make it delivered free up C130?  If anything more is need the CF-18 would be the better...
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    Destroyer Replacement Program

    How about the BAby Burkes that the Aussie turned down looks interesting. With more automation and the uses of the APAR & L-Band radar would make it a very nice ship. The Type 45 might be good to with the change the radar setup. Get ride of the high radar structure and use the APAR & L-Band...
  7. W

    DND may be shopping for new subs, sources say

    Thank you your reply as you patient in your responses. As i said i would rather have a new AAW ship built before the old one are gone and give the fleet an AAW capability. However, what is done is done. The problem is the age of the old ship and lack of fore sight of the Liberal Gov. (90's)...
  8. W

    DND may be shopping for new subs, sources say

    EX Dragoon thanks for your reply. I never said i full understand naval warfare. However i do understand  the optics of budgets, the taxpayers of Canada limit to defence spending and lack of ship building and time lines and equipment gaps. Not to mention the sometimes the Military need for...
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    DND may be shopping for new subs, sources say

    There is a great need for submarines in Canada. This need is greater than new AAW ships as the the Combination of the JSS and Halifax ship can fill this need with the right equipment on international duties for the temp. period. The Allies the EU and US disregard Canada`s lands and waters as...
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    CP-140 Aurora

    sorry that was for the "You will notice that i am not taking my lessons on MPAs from AW&ST" only
  11. W

    CP-140 Aurora

    I am not questioning the sensors or weapons of the aircraft. All i am stating is that we could use others platform that could be used. development of the mission equipment package has already been design contracted out with the CP-140 upgrades.  Plus i am sure i will be blasted for saying...
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    CP-140 Aurora

    Not worth to comment
  13. W

    CP-140 Aurora

    FoverF and bartbandyrfc are correct on the cost factor the P-8, I had suggested that there is a market for a medium size plan MPA Base CRJ 900/ 1000 in Canada and the world. The idea was shot down very quickly. some was development cost, had to be compatible with the US, No one would buy the...
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    CP-140 Aurora

    Look i am new to the site. I am nit here offend people. But i do think that a more balance approach to the purchase of equipment needs to be done. Look how many times procurement project end up a mess because of politics and inflexibility and failure of getting the need information out to...
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    CP-140 Aurora

    I never said i know what Canada needs or wants. But say the P-8 is the only option is wrong too.
  16. W

    CP-140 Aurora

    Once again i am not an expert! The CRJ 900/ 1000 are larger then the CP-140 and they are small the P-8. I just saying that Aircraft is proven and building 2 test planes will give the Gov and DND the option of an interm plane and maybe a possible the better option to meet the needs for Canada...
  17. W

    CP-140 Aurora

    I never said i knew everything. and i am not for pork-barelling. I do however feel at times DND like everyone else in the nation want 100% on there wish list. I am for a lot of purchases and then i feel that sometime there are solution in Canada. Plus people can not get everything they ask...
  18. W

    CP-140 Aurora

    I do not work for any of the companies. I am a guy who reads and watch shows on the topic. I am just interest why things always get screwed up. I 100% support the purchase of four the C17 (should arrange to purchase 2 to 4 more for the simple fact almost any mission the DND will be ask to do...