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Search results

  1. D

    Aerospace Control Operator ( AC Op )

    Hey guys, im leaving for course on sept. 7th. Im wondering if anyone who recently completed the course can give me a brief week by week rundown of what to expect on course.
  2. D

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

    Did you end up going on course already prontogryphon? I received my ct around the same time, began ojt here in gagetown mid may, and my course date is september 7th.
  3. D

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

    No, i didnt. I printed all the notes for the IFR, VFR portion. I think its intended for the officers course, but still an interesting read, ill check out the weapons portion tom. Trying to learn as much as i can about the trade before i start OJT in a couple of weeks. Dont want to waste anyones...
  4. D

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

    My apology's timbit if moe is correct. Thanks for the good response, seems there is so much variety in this trade. I have been in the infantry for nearly 8 years, and finally got my offer to start course on july 14th. Already have the precourse material memorized, and im now going through the...
  5. D

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

    I was well aware of this websites existence, and i thank you for sending a link to it.  Kind of pretentious of you though to accuse me of not using the search function when you can't even back up your accusations with a solid link that actually explains my question, and well you can read...
  6. D

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

    I searched every single thread after typing ac op, and found nothing of the sort. Could you be so kind as to post a link proving me wrong?
  7. D

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

    Anyone? My best guess is that they split the occupation into 2 seperate trades, weapons, and air traffic. Can anyone validate this?
  8. D

    Aerospace control - radar

    Thats great, thanks alot.
  9. D

    Aerospace control - radar

      Anyone know where i can find the aerospace control - radar operator (00337) pre course study package? I was told it is avaible on the dwan, yet after many hours of searching, i had no luck. Some help would be greatly appreciated.
  10. D

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

      Hello, I applied for a vot to Aerospace control operator (169) and i was offered aerospace control - radar control (170). Just wondering what the difference is in the trades, if they both take the same course, and if not ,what kind of course curriculum would i expect as an ac op? Someone told...
  11. D

    problems receiving record of employment from unit

    Hello, my girlfriend who is in the reserves has been trying to get her record of employment for 3 months in order to start collecting employment insurance. We are now at our wits end, because it has been 3 months now, and her chief clerk has not provided it for her yet. I feel its time to go...
  12. D

    voluntary occupational tranfers COT vs. LOT

    Hello, i am trying to remuster from the infantry, and wondering which would be my best option between a continuing occupational transfer, and a Land occupational transfer. I currently have 5.5 years in, so both of these are still an option. Thankyou in advance for your help.