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  1. S

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    If/when Iran is bombed, the retaliation will be severe and on a scale the general population may find staggering.   Estimates to when Iran could manufacture a bomb point to 2009 right?  ...Action will need to be taken in the next several months, I agree people should be talking about how bad...
  2. S

    101st Airborne(Air Assualt) in Iraq Video

    Very cool video.  Anyone know where I can find some similar vids like this one?
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    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    I wore contacts throught my entire BMQ. Im now almost done SQ and ive had them in the whole time aswell. I wear "night and day" contacts which can stay in your eyes up to 30 days without taking them out(even when sleeping), they are great. Wear sunglasses when outside during the days and youll...
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    All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

    I was very close to getting Laser Eye surgery about a year ago but decided to wait because the doctor told me I need to go throught at LEAST two months of little to no extreme physical activity because any sweat that enters they eyes will likley lead to infection.
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    Armoured theme song?

    haha, ok great thanks for your help.
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    Armoured theme song?

    Does anyone know the name of the theme song that is used by the armoured corps?
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    CF focus on targeted recruiting.

    CL84,not all coops are just bmq. The coop that I am doing with the Queens York Rangers is BMQ AND SQ in the same course. We have the option of doing MOC in the summer if we wish. We go from 8-5 tues-fri.
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    CF focus on targeted recruiting.

    Yes I‘m sure. The course is 48 days long, divided pretty much equally for BMQ and SQ.
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    CF focus on targeted recruiting.

    Hey guys, 1st post here :) . I‘m currently doing that Coop course that was mentioned above with the Queens York Rangers. It lasts 2.5 months(length of a full semester) and we get qualified in BMQ and SQ. I just finished week one. QYR have been running this course in the York Region Highschools...