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  1. dwalter

    Seaforth Mace Stolen

    And I used to live right across the street from Queen's Park. Goes to show how much the neighborhood has changed...
  2. dwalter

    ROTP 2009 (Summer)

    I have done 2 years of Civilian University and am now going on BMOQ this summer, so I didn't do the mini orientation. I will give you my feelings about it. Civi U is not military college, and so I think it's a waste of gas money to fly kids from all over Canada to do a 2 week course and send...
  3. dwalter

    May BMOQ?

    Well there were 4 of us on my message, because my message included only the people who are attending from my ASU. Good to know we won't be a lonely platoon. :P I'm glad I finally have my flight itinerary in hand though, I've been waiting over a year to go on this course now. I love to wait!
  4. dwalter

    Mandatory to live on campus in University?

    Just to add one more voice. I am also an ROTP student at civilian university. I do not have to live on campus. As a matter of fact I have applied to live in residence both this year and last and been denied. Nothing you can do when fighting UBC's residence lottery system. :P The statement made...
  5. dwalter

    May BMOQ?

    Due to clerical errors, I got shunted from the May 4th BMOQ in St. Jean to the May 18th course. Anyone else going to be on that one? I'm in serial 0010E.
  6. dwalter

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Yeah I know I can do it, but it was 20$ so I wasn't really inclined to make the effort in mailing the receipt in and all. See that's an issue, they pay me anyways, and I don't have any real expenses, so each time I have to spend the effort to get a reimbursement (Unless it's for tuition) I just...
  7. dwalter

    Regrets on Entry Plans

    Well I got into ROTP without grade 12 math, so I think you just need to worry about your faculty pre-reqs.
  8. dwalter

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    That's right; with the bluecross card the civilian clinic will get you to fill out a CF claim form for medical services rendered. That is then sent to the nearest medical unit for processing after your treatment. I have run into problems though, not all clinics carry the forms or know what to do...
  9. dwalter

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    The smart thing to do is usually to try calling them back; if they left their contact information that is.
  10. dwalter

    Interested in serving as a pilot

    There is nothing that says you have to join right out of high school. If your citizenship is processed in reasonable time, you could enter as a direct entry officer. That would mean going to university on your own dime of course, but it could be an option for you. Best idea would be to talk to...
  11. dwalter

    Regrets on Entry Plans

    Is 12U math highschool grade math? Such as grade 12 math? If so, then it is applicable for any university that has it in the admission requirements. If you want to go into science or engineering at pretty much all universities you need it. For arts degrees, some universities still require it...
  12. dwalter

    ROTP Offers, Rejecting/transfering?

    You actually have to get permission from the SEM (One level up from the ULO) to work a part time job at Civvi U, and you generally need a good reason for it. They do try to emphasize that there is no reason you should have to work another job when the military is paying you. The only reasons I...
  13. dwalter

    What Was/Is Your Biggest Obstacle?

    I had a brutal time convincing people around me that the military was a good idea. My family was fairly open to the idea, but friends were a little dubious about it. Since then I've practically become a walking recruiting poster. People are all interested about ROTP, and so I have to tell them...
  14. dwalter

    2009 CF-18 Centennial of Flight Demo Bird

    If that CF-18 is on its last legs of flight time, I sure wouldn't mind having it parked in my driveway, just to show off to the neighbours. ;) Paint looks amazing!
  15. dwalter

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    I've heard that you can ever get subsidized for full time graduate studies as long as it's in a field that the military deeps "useful". I guess that rules out me getting my MA in anthropology later on. ;) But for anyone getting a degree in things like engineering I think they do full time...
  16. dwalter

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Webisodes are great! I love watching these. I still haven't gotten out to buy Season 4.0 yet... I really have to get on that.
  17. dwalter

    ROTP 2009-2010 Dates

    If you only have one summer left at your university then the only time to fit the training in would be once you graduate. I might be in the same boat having already completed some of my degree before applying for ROTP, and so I will probably have some phase training to complete after I graduate...
  18. dwalter

    The 2008 Happy Holidays/Season's Greetings thread

    Merry Christmas to everyone! I wish you and your families all the best, and a happy new year.
  19. dwalter

    Mandatory to live on campus in University?

    Be prepared to go through a lot of hoops to get yourself a civvie job on the side. It has to be authorized by the SEM, otherwise they won't let you work part time. Usually the only way you can get the go ahead is if you are living in a high cost city like Vancouver and are left with 50$ a month...
  20. dwalter

    Just begun the Application Process

    Wrong guys, sorry. -7.00 means you are V5 and no longer able to be a member of the military. I have a -3.25 prescription and am a V4. Also AC Op requires V3 as well.