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  1. radtech227

    Sky Hooks and Shore Line

    All requests should come from a Sgt Greenleaf, Go to the Sigs and ask for a box of frequencies.  Tell them Sgt Greenleaf sent you.
  2. radtech227

    2009 Reg-Res Pay Rates - Published

    I am very curious as to what a SPEC 1 WO did in his third year to deserve a thousand dollar pay cut.  I am hoping this is a misprint or the next year will be a bad one for me.
  3. radtech227


    In this day and age when a bad posting message or bad tasking makes people think about getting out I am sure 1 Million would clear almost anyone out of the forces.  A couple thousand might be enough for anyone on the 30/30 plan
  4. radtech227

    What rank do you hope to achieve in your CF career?

    I thought I would make Sgt someday but have made it to WO.  Sometimes I miss my Cpl days.  Avoid the leaf of grief MCpl Rank if possible, but if you want to keep moving stay a MCpl for as short a time as possible.