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  1. Hylander_ca

    Military Discounts List

    My old Sgt in Ottawa told me that the Airman's Club in New York city, allows CF to stay there. They give us the same cheap rates as our US Military counterparts. They give tickets to free shows and attractions in New York City. As well as a list of all the local places that give service members...
  2. Hylander_ca

    Army guys, what is your regiment (or, for cadets, what regiment you are affiliated to)?

    Currently 1 SVC BN - Origionally The Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. Was with GGFG (Governor General Foot Guards) - Origionally the Civil Service Rifle Regt., who helped kick Louis Riel's butt in the North West Rebellion (1868)- Affiliated with the Cold Stream Guards. Cheers  :mg:
  3. Hylander_ca

    Combat support unit defence questions

    MSE_OP18, Thanks for the correction....but I was just trying to explain that there is a reason for the weapon racks in the vehs. Cheers  :mg:
  4. Hylander_ca

    Combat support unit defence questions

    Well said MSE_OP18!! Carey,     The situation will dictate how readily available your weapon is. For instance you would use the weapons' racks while moving on civilian roads here in Canada during an administrative road move.(my understanding is that it is very intimidating to Cdn Citizens, if...
  5. Hylander_ca

    Weather in Wainwright

    Always remember it could always be worse.....it could be me! But yeah it does get pretty cold there in Feb, as soon as you pass the gate the weather does change. I have witnessed it first hand last spring....I was on my way to pick up pers from 1 FD AMB it was beautiful sunny weather all the way...
  6. Hylander_ca

    Combat support unit defence questions

    MSE_OP18, The trg that 1 SVC BN is implementing, is basically just the ground work for "action on drills". We both know that for 1: each theatre is different, and 2: you can't always use the same tactics in every theatre. Do you remember the "actions on drills" in Borden? (BEEP BEEP) 1 SVC BN is...
  7. Hylander_ca

    Should the toast to the Queen be omitted from Mess Dinner's

    MCG, I think that it was idiotic to change the name and rank system of the RCAF...I for one would like to see it returned to the way it was....Yes even though my element is land. :mg:
  8. Hylander_ca

    Should the toast to the Queen be omitted from Mess Dinner's

    X Royal We shouldn't do both...Do NOT omit it from Christmas Dinners and continue to toast the Queen. We should keep it, it is part of who we are as an institution. I swore allegiance to the Crown and my Country. :mg:
  9. Hylander_ca

    Should the toast to the Queen be omitted from Mess Dinner's

    Just want to see where our loyalties are.....I personally think that we shouldn't. :mg:
  10. Hylander_ca

    Combat support unit defence questions

    Any changes in training? Yes 1 Svc Bn has and is currently perfecting actions on drills. We are in the midst of changing the doctrine on how we Trucker's do business. We have implemented the "Gun Truck" a HLVW with a min of 1 x C-6 (mounted on a base in the center of the box) 4 x C-9's and 3 x...
  11. Hylander_ca

    What is your start time in the morning?

    Quick question regarding each respective unit's work week. Which units out there have Sport morning or afternoon? 1 SVC BN usually has a sports afternoon. But only when pre and post ex drills have been completed. Cheers :mg:
  12. Hylander_ca

    What is your start time in the morning?

    1 SVC BN forms up at 0730 hrs, before PT. But I tend to be here at 0710 hrs. We do PT till 0830-0900 hrs and return to the BN lines 1 hr after PT is finished. My Coy's OC's Sop's are that nobody can leave before 1200 hrs or before 1600 hrs Mon-Fri. Oh and when they say that we are being stood...
  13. Hylander_ca

    Thinking about the Infantry Attack

    Thaedes....Always remember that training is based on building blocks. As your career progresses you will find out what works and what doesn't...But that time will come. Always use what is taught to you as a foundation and build up from there, but don't think that every idea will work....I've had...
  14. Hylander_ca

    Should Canada pay the United States to defend us?

    Ex-Dragoon...Ref that quote. I think Gen(R) MacKenzie (CF) said the same thing. Either just before or after retiring, I can't remember for sure. Can anybody confirm this for me as well pls. Cheers :mg:
  15. Hylander_ca

    Who Makes Their Own Camoflauge Clothing? - Continuation

    If you can get your hands on an extra helmet scrim netting and burlap (rolls are about 3" wide) they come in OD, brown and black. Applying these strips are good because they tend to fray and at break up the Cadpat which adds texture to it. Unfortunately I have to remake mine because somebody...
  16. Hylander_ca

    Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

    Straight from MSE Safety, dvr wheeled crses are NOT part of any SQ crse. Respective units train their own pers with Iltis, LSVW and MLVW. There are exceptions to every rule....I was also info'ed that if some pers are in holding pattern on PAT Pl they may receive certain veh according to job...
  17. Hylander_ca

    Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

    Hey all I'm a trucker (MSE Op 935) with 1 SVC BN. I'll go talk to MSE Safety to verify the info on the dvr portion of the SQ crse. Give me a couple of days (Bn's last week before block lve) Cheers :mg:
  18. Hylander_ca

    If You Hadn't Joined the CF, What Career Would You Have Chosen?

    Join the Corp of Commissionaire's   :D
  19. Hylander_ca

    Do Canadians even care anymore?

    RorerQuaalude - You can't blame the younger generation for not understanding what we do. Both Worlds Wars, Korea, and Vietnam are almost forgotten by the civilian populous. Parents are not taking what I believe is the responsibility to teach their children what price we as soldiers have to pay...