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  1. Underway

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    I had to translate it into army for @KevinB , he's always nice enough to dumb down gun stuff for me!
  2. Underway

    Replacing the Subs

    I'll go out on a limb here and say its a guarantee. I think they already have the sub picked out. Who's building submarines right now and who's willing to build them for us on short timeframe. And that likely is Korea. Korean defence exporters are happy to delay their own equipment delivery...
  3. Underway

    Canada's tanks

    Well considering there are no people in the turret the turret can be smaller, thus less volume required for wrapping armour around it and, I suspect less armour needed as there are no squishy people to protect in the turret. The War Zone article points to it being 60 tons vice 72 tons so its...
  4. Underway

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    All ships look like that when they've been at sea for a couple of weeks. Particularly if the weather was rather "splashy".
  5. Underway

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    I second this comment. Plenty of current frigate CO's have never taken an MCDV out for a spin as the CO. It's not a requirement. And pleny of MCDV CO's have never made it to frigate CO. It's a nice to have not a need to have.
  6. Underway

    Help With Contacting Recruiting Offices

    Depends on the Recruiting Centre and when available BMQ spots are open. Some Centres in bigger cities are slammed with people and have a difficult time getting to all the phone msgs. Right now BMQ's are being booked into September timeframe. Your best bet honestly is to email their infobox or...
  7. Underway

    Expected BMOQ Date?

    Given what you've said you're a Direct Entry Officer. As such its likely September and December are the two BMOQ windows. They normally don't run non-ROTP BMOQ's in the summer. What recruiting centre are you applying through?
  8. Underway

    Background-Check/Security-Screening Processing: Summer BMQ possible?

    Call your reserve unit and ask about your file. Assuming no other issues you're in the home stretch.
  9. Underway

    How Long will My Recruitment Application Take?

    10 years for foreign implications. Also if one has close relatives that live elsewhere its a long process. Resume is irrelevant. Its all about whether you can get level III or level II. Some applicants can only get level II (Secret) and need to be redirected to those specific trades. Be...
  10. Underway

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    True, but the new sub program started the exact same way. When the gov't decided they wanted subs the RCN office had already some research done.
  11. Underway

    Naval Missile Thread

    Funny that missile has been on ships deploying for over a year now. But officially we are now at IOC?
  12. Underway

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    MCDV's are 800ish tons and do it all the time. I can be uncomfortable in those places for even large ships though.
  13. Underway

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    So Australia's two tier fleet plan just more sneaky with less tabloids. And here I was thinking we were going River Class style when we might be going more Multi Modular Patrol Corvette style. Interesting. The Euro project wants a Corvette not more than 3500 tons full load. That could easily be...
  14. Underway

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    I'm going to start another threat for this discussion tomorrow (just got in from work iand I'm gassed). We can tear it apart there as I have some rather chauvanistic opinions on the issue, lol MCDV that intercepted a Chinese "civilian" ship in the arctic had a converstion with RJOC went...
  15. Underway

    Naval Warfare Officer Pin - NCM Version

    It was honestly created for two reasons, 1) to equivalize us with allies, not an uncommon decision amoung world militarys and 2) pet project by previous admiral for I can only assume ego reasons justified by point 1
  16. Underway

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    Because (and I'm going to shout in itallics here to try and get the point to everyone on the thread, its not a personal attack), ITS NOT THE COAST GUARDS $*&@ING JOB!!!! Does the road repair crew do law enforcement? How about the fire department? What about the road/bridge engineering and...
  17. Underway

    Naval Warfare Officer Pin - NCM Version

    And Australia, Japan , NZ and others IIRC.
  18. Underway

    Naval Warfare Officer Pin - NCM Version

    This is the correct reply. Thanks for such a well written response. I just got my badge sewn on my new NEU's today. And yah, I was irritated that I had to go through the admin of getting it put on (seeing that I'm an engineer now).
  19. Underway

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    It's not an add on. Its a core mission. The RCN was created to be constabulatory. Its been the only mission we've had that hasn't changed in the entire history of the force.
  20. Underway

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    It's not a recce asset because navy's don't do recce (but that's another thread)! But you are completely right in that for AOPS function its weapons are completely in line for its job. Coast Guards in the world do environmental protection, fisheries, aids to navigation, law enforcement and...