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Search results

  1. DannyITR

    All Things Socks (merged)

    I did a search for "socks" but all I got were equipment and rucksack packing threads. I was wondering if you guys could share which socks you wear at which times. On course I'm always wearing regular black socks with wool socks over them to make the boot snugger for less chance of blisters...
  2. DannyITR

    Common Army Phase

    I agree this is confusing. Does anyone by chance have dates for BOTP (I believe this is a prerequisite to CAP altogether).
  3. DannyITR

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    Are our reserve units deployable in their current condition in your opinion? Would they be deployed as battalions comprising of the example companies example post quoted above? Could a single regiment be deplooyed (overseas or local)?
  4. DannyITR

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    Can you elaborate on what you mean? Do you mean that our reserve units are degraded to the point where they have become non operational in the field? I look at the US who deploy their National Guard like its nothing and wonder if Canada has the same capability. Is it just a matter of funding for...
  5. DannyITR

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    I know your making up an infantry battalion but where would 34CER (formerly 3 FIELD in Westmount) come into play? I don't know how many soldiers our unit has but would it be combined with other engineering regiments to form an engineering battalion in your scenario? Are there even enough...
  6. DannyITR

    Common Army Phase

    Thanks for the replies. You both make a lot of sense and it seems I have some decisions to make.
  7. DannyITR

    Common Army Phase

    I was just wondering if anyone can see a change happening in the amount of time spent on course for training? I'm a reservist with a wife and a kid on the way. There is no way I could leave for 3 months. The max I would do is one module of two weeks at a time but even then, two weeks leaving a...
  8. DannyITR

    Are desert camo uniforms prohibited to be worn by soldiers not deployed?

    So it is not ok to want something if you do not need it. I hope for the army's sake that you as well are not in any leadership position.
  9. DannyITR

    Are desert camo uniforms prohibited to be worn by soldiers not deployed?

    Wow Wesley I'm not sure where to begin with you. I'll set the record straight that I do have over a year military experience. You've also equated me saying that I like AR kit to me having a fetish for AR kit. I expressed admiration for my boot camp buddy and his uniform who just made it back...
  10. DannyITR

    Are desert camo uniforms prohibited to be worn by soldiers not deployed?

    My apologies. What, in your expert opinion, would constitute a valid reason for wanting the kit other than being deployed of course.
  11. DannyITR

    Are desert camo uniforms prohibited to be worn by soldiers not deployed?

    I saw some pics of my buddies who just got back form a-stan all clad in their AR and I wanted it lol. It makes sense though to have everyone wearing the same color in Canada and also not to waste money on equipping everyone with AR when they don't need it. How often do the CF organize excersizes...
  12. DannyITR

    Are desert camo uniforms prohibited to be worn by soldiers not deployed?

    I understand the military only issues them to soldiers being deployed. I'm wondering if any could have been issued to soldiers that may only have briefly visited Afghanistan for whatever reason or have been issued them and have not been to Afghanistan at all. Is there an unwritten rule about...
  13. DannyITR

    Do reserve officers do SQ?

    Thanks sniper. I don't suppose you have more basic info? For example as an enlisted recruit my training sequence would have consisted of the following: BMQ: 13 weekends (part time) locally in the winter or 4 weeks full time at a base such as Cartierville in the summer. SQ: 10 weekends (part...
  14. DannyITR

    Do reserve officers do SQ?

    Thank you for the replies. In that case what so reserve officers do after BMQ?
  15. DannyITR

    Do reserve officers do SQ?

    I've been searching quite a bit on this forum but I cannot find an answer. I did BMQ as a private, left the army and have now re-joined as an officer cadet in the reserve in Montreal at 3 field. They say I wont need to do my BMQ since it was recent (2005) but I'm trying to figure out what I will...
  16. DannyITR

    White ceremonial belt?

    When do soldiers get the wear the white ceremonial belts and white gloves, US Marine style? Is it only during funerals and other such events? Who decides what event is worthy of this? In my opinion they should be part of the dress uniform.
  17. DannyITR

    Do officers have fun?

    I'm going to be joining as an officer in the reserves very soon (after having completed BMQ as a private and asking for a release 2 years ago). I was talking with the recruiter and he mentioned that an officer's role is mainly planning the mission. I have a few questions after having already...
  18. DannyITR

    Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

    Does anyone have the dates for the reserve SQ this winter for the Montreal area? Usually it starts in Feb and is 10 or so weekends.
  19. DannyITR

    Putting together a rucksack

    Hi guys, I might be getting a new rucksack soon and I was wondering if there somewhere that explains how to assemble it properly? I did my first one on my BMQ and that was a few years ago and I don't remember. I suppose I could just ask at my unit but I don't want to bother anyone with this stuff.