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  1. C

    History's Greatest Army?

    The Cinderella army,often out numbered,under equipped and far from home.
  2. C

    All Things Cuba (Castro, politics, etc.)

    Time for Jack Bin Layton to polish up the old resume.
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    Afghan Facts and Fiction?

    If the NDP were to form the next federal government ( shudder ) the Military would be among the first to go to free up money for social programs and Canada would be finished.
  4. C

    Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

    I have a copy and will be putting it on Ares  p2p now.Search for  "Battle of the Medak Pocket"
  5. C

    Anyone ever wondered about this..........?

    Then that wold be a high P manoeuver :)
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    Where Shall We Hide, M. Dion?

    Watched the video,where was this guy from? and he delcined to say who hated us.I know the Taliban don`t like to see Canadian coming...............
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    The Paul Champagne DND Fraud Superthread

    Makes we wonder why a good portion of the previous government are not jailed and collecting sweet pensions.
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    Opposition questions PM on military spending spree

    This governments so called spending spree is simply money which should have been spent years ago,rearming is expensive.
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    Legendary Vandoos ‘do the job right'

    Anyone know what their battle honours are/ or actions of note.
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    Oh dear God, you must be kidding me....

    For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction........or should be.
  11. C

    Should the toast to the Queen be omitted from Mess Dinner's

    Way she goes,time for Canada to grow up and stand up on her own,we earned it.While erosion of military traditions is appalling to me,I believe this to be evolution and helps give Canada the full respect she deserves. To say that keeping a foreign monarch will somehow make us more Canadian and...
  12. C

    Ultimate Disrespect- Matthew Good, Casualties and the Canadian Flag

    Never heard of this plug and I can`t help but wonder why every entertainer of note.......or not,feels they can comment to influence their following on matters they`re not versed on.I`m betting Jack Bin Layton is his number 1 fan.
  13. C

    CF "seducing and preying" upon Canadian Youth - News Clip

    Seems to me driving a car is critical thinking,and that`s at sixteen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Veterans Affairs Canada - have they lost their way?

    Apparently VAC is paying some fat salaries for people to issue this old tech.