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  1. OldTanker

    2024 BC Election

    I suppose we are not unlike many western democracies right now, lacking a centrist party, but when I vote this time I will definitely be holding my nose. We have three candidates in my riding (Con, NDP, Green) and it could go any way. My gut feel is we are facing a minority NDP government again...
  2. OldTanker

    1963, Experimental Service Battalion, Canadian Army CFB Gagetown, New Brunswick

    I guess the rolling fluid replenishment system was a non-starter.
  3. OldTanker

    2024 BC Election

    A few comments and observations, worth exactly what you paid for them. I think much of the recent NDP popularity was based on John Horgan's leadership and pragmatism. He even got me to vote NDP, something totally ahistorical. I'm not sure if Eby has the same qualities and appeal and will attract...
  4. OldTanker

    PSHCP - Frustration abounds as public service health plan gets switched to Canada Life

    I received a package in the mail several months ago that this change was coming. I registered online with no difficulty and received my new electronic card (and a printable hard copy) by email. I have submitted two claims so far but no results (although they warn it will take at least 10...
  5. OldTanker

    What if....A Super disaster? Impact on Canada or the world? Napkin speculation

    The is exactly the mentality in most BC local authorities - don't spend the money on preparedness, somebody else will come along and fund the recovery.
  6. OldTanker

    The Management Myth

    I worked as a senior director in a large Canadian city. We would go through spasms of newmanagementspeak every four or five years. I told my boss, the City Manager, that so far as I could see, there were only about three variations of management styles (my BA was in political studies, no MBA...
  7. OldTanker

    Queen Elizabeth II, 1926-2022

    While I am not a particular fan of the royal family, I do have tremendous respect for Her Majesty for her years of service and dedication. She has served us well for many, many years. God save our Queen.
  8. OldTanker

    Royal B.C. Museum to be imminently gutted in the name of 'decolonization'

    At some point we are going to have to either rebuild or totally upgrade the RBCM. I put this in the category of desirable infrastructure upgrades as opposed to necessary (highways, bridges, etc). The issue here really wasn't the project itself, but how and when it was presented to the public. To...
  9. OldTanker

    CRCN 38 Flag Hoist

    I mentored Angus in 1998 and was impressed then with his character and leadership style. I wish him fair winds and success in leading the RCN.
  10. OldTanker

    Allowances - Post Living Differential (PLD) [MERGED]

    I was in Calgary during that time. The big problem we had was the pay for junior ranks was never designed to support a family, but was enough to keep a single soldier in beer and cigarettes. Once we started to see privates getting married and having children, the pay was simply inadequate. As a...
  11. OldTanker

    Acting Chief of Military Personnel on Diversity, Inclusion, and Culture Change Short-Term Initiatives

    I have been retired from the CF for 20 years, and maybe things have changed, but in my 32 years service I called upon the support of various padres on numerous occasions, both for myself and my soldiers. I don't recall ever being let down, and the religious affiliation of the padre in question...
  12. OldTanker

    Climate change made B.C.'s November floods 2 to 4 times more likely

    No doubt about that, but the effects of climate change are happening right now, an earthquake might not happen for hundreds of years. Regardless, nobody out here takes any of this particularly seriously. Other than those who deal with it for a living.
  13. OldTanker

    Climate change made B.C.'s November floods 2 to 4 times more likely

    Very few municipalities, or the provincial government, really take emergency preparedness seriously. It's expensive and not a vote-getter. Take a look at the BC Parliament Building as a case in point. Ready to fall in even a minor earthquake. But hey! They have a log splitter.
  14. OldTanker

    Climate change made B.C.'s November floods 2 to 4 times more likely

    Full disclosure. Before I retired I ran a consulting company that, amongst other things (mainly emergency preparedness) advised clients on climate change adaptation. We had on our team the previous head of the Canadian Weather Service to provide scientific input and oversight. We never claimed...
  15. OldTanker

    Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

    Question, brain trust. Considering the current situation, who do you think is really running Canada right now? Who is making decisions at the Federal level? Telford? Butts? The Cabinet? Freeland? I would dismiss our PM as being an intellectual lightweight and having no leadership skills at all...
  16. OldTanker

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    Regarding spoiling ballots, I live in Elizabeth May's riding. Voting for her is essentially the same thing as spoiling a ballot, but at least I can say I did vote.
  17. OldTanker

    Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

    Excellent analysis of Emergency Act by Greg Taylor in the National Post. I can't post a link as it is behind a fire-wall, but he tears apart the rationale for invoking it. Essentially, between the NDA and provinces declaring a state of emergency provinces can access all the powers they need. It...
  18. OldTanker

    Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

    Under the NDA it was my understanding that the CDS is obliged to respond to a Provincial request for Aid to the Civil Power, per the OKA crisis. However I have been advised that during the Gustafson Lake event although the province wanted the CF to take over the response, the CDS of the day...
  19. OldTanker

    Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

    Hmm. Nazi flags. Confederate Flags. I think the "freedom convoy" could use a lesson in history. Not to mention irony.