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  1. T

    Israel (IDF) versus Gaza aid ships- updates

    For your consideration, 3 articles from the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz, posted with the usual caveats. These articles (opinions/blogs) deal more with the domestic political fallout of this latest IDF debacle, rather than the technical details of the operation itself...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Sir, http://www.amnesty.org/en/region/syria http://www.amnesty.org/en/region/saudi-arabia http://www.amnesty.org/en/region/lebanon http://www.amnesty.org/en/region/egypt http://www.amnesty.org/en/region/jordan http://www.amnesty.org/en/region/iran From the AI - USA web site: Who...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Shec, I'd like your opinion on the main body of my post (the white elephant in the room, as it were), sans the settlements issue. Regards.
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Shec, So you are agreeing to the evacuation of all the settlements in the West Bank (and Israel keeps the Golan)? How's that going to go over with the settlers? How's that going to go over with the Syrians? Regards.
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Shec, My apology for the delay in my response. I believe that the geographic and demographic realities that Israel faces today have conspired together to do to Israel what the PLO, Hamas, Hizballah, et. al. couldn't. It appears that you have lived in Israel, so you'll understand better than...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Bruce, Respectfully, I'm not really sure why you took offence to this statement and not to other similar statements made in other posts regarding the Hamas-Iran or the Hizballah-Iran relationships. A previous poster even suggested that Israel/US bomb Iran as punishment for supporting...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    The second video was done by Tom Trento. Here's the 411 on this guy: https://watchobsession.org/ http://citizenwarriors.com/2008/10/tom-trento.html Regards.
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    For your consideration, from Gideon Levy of Haaretz: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1054158.html Regards.
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Wes, I won't dignify much of what you have written in your post with a response. However, I have never said that I 'value the Hamas way of life'. My apologies if my posts have scared you, and your sensibilities have been offended. Please rest assured that I entertain no thoughts whatsoever of...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    ArmyVern, You can always find crazies in ones and twos on either side of the fence. Any parent who would wish martyrdom on their children is a parent in name only. Is Umm Nidal a typical Palestinian parent? Most definitely not. Was Baruch Goldstein, Rabbi Meir Kahane, or the JDL...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Big surprise here: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1054009.html Regards.
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Shec, I admire your tenacity. As much as I have enjoyed sparring with you, I'm afraid that the mods are going to censure us for hijacking this thread. Let's get this thread back on track... What do you think the long term implications of this attack on Gaza by the IDF will be for the Israeli...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Rifleman62, It's common knowledge that Saddam Hussein would send the family of every martyr (not only suicide bomber) about $10 000US. And I'm using the word martyr in the Arabic sense of the word in that it would encompass everyone who dies during the course of a struggle, even if they were...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Nice try Shec..but the existence of a free and critical press is not the only fundamental characteristic of a democracy. That fact obviously went over your head like a Katyusha rocket (sorry - I couldn't resist). If everything else remained the same and the KSA, HKJ, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, et...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Shec, Land confiscation, arbitrary arrest and detention, torture, home demolitions (I haven't seen the cement trucks for years though - ask Shec, he knows what I mean), collective punishment, extrajudicial assassinations, settlements, roadblocks, Qana 1996, Qana 2006, Sabra and Chatilla, the...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Mr. Campbell, For your consideration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjEd4hJNVCE&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV1scn536BU&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjTxK9C2VYY&feature=related Courtesy of the "lefties and Palestinian stringers" of the MSM (ok, maybe...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Shec, please, stop. I'm beginning to feel embarrassed for you... Regards.
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Mr. Campbell, The first clip is of a fighter pushing a child away from the 'front line', per se, not towards the fighting. Look at the direction all the other children standing against the wall are looking toward. The second clip is of a fighter running across the street, grabbing a child from...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    I would bet that 80% of the dead are in fact innocent Palestinian civis. Regards.
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    How could you possibly know this as fact? Regards.