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  1. transvap0r

    Posted to 2 FD -Maintenance?

    No problem. I rambled of topic and forgot to say what I mean to say!... as a civvy medic in a larger city or urban setting, you barely have enough time to eat your lunch most of the time or clean your unit because there are calls and transfers all the time, depending on the service you are...
  2. transvap0r

    Posted to 2 FD -Maintenance?

    Yes you're right... it depends how remote the base/ area you are working in as a civvy paramedic, and whether you are an ACP or PCP unit for that shift. I have worked as a civvy medic in both rural and urban areas and also in the military as a medic and being a medic in the military is 90%...
  3. transvap0r

    Advanced Airway for QL 5 Med Techs

    Okay that does make sense, and cric's are definitly indicated in the situation of severe facial/ upper airway trauma where laryngoscopy and/ or endotracheal intubation is impossible.... this is an indication for a cric in all ALS EMS sustems who have cric's part of their scope of practice. My...
  4. transvap0r

    Advanced Airway for QL 5 Med Techs

    I know that most people agree that no medic, no matter what level of training you have, should be doing rapid sequence intubation (aka paralytics with induction), period. Nor will any doctor ever allow you! If you compare EMS accross Canada, there are very few EMS systems which allow RSI as part...
  5. transvap0r

    Task Force 3-09

    Exactly.... plus I don't think we will be pulling out of Afghanistan completely in Feb 09... just my thought. I will be going on this roto if it goes ahead.
  6. transvap0r

    Task Force 3-09

    Does anyone know who will be deploying on TF 3-09 (Aug 2009) and which Fd Amb will be deploying with them? (assuming we extend the mission past Feb 2009). I've searched EVERYWHERE, asked everyone, and nobody seems to know who. Thanks.
  7. transvap0r

    Med Tech Enhancement Training

    I think it's funny they actually teach stoves/ lanterns/ generators/ immersion heater on the enhacement training... we are taught it several times a year at our unit, especially on a winter ex/indoc... you think they could use that time to teach something else medical, maybe more time on 12-lead...
  8. transvap0r

    Med Tech Enhancement Training

    Thanks, that was a great help. Cheers.
  9. transvap0r

    Med Tech Enhancement Training

    I already read that thread, but no one talks about the enhancement training at all really... I was looking to see if anyone who has taken the course would want to share what they spefically teach on the course (ie. do they teach IV's, IM/SC injections, venipuncture, ECG's, etc etc etc) Thanks
  10. transvap0r

    Med Tech Enhancement Training

    Has anyone attended the new enhancement training in Borden this summer yet? How was the course? What is being taught on it? Any info would be great!