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  1. K

    Politicized Climate Change as Wealth Redistribution

    Hello. I came across an article on the alternative newspaper website Druthers. In it, it talks about the politics and true nature of anthropogenic climate change. I think it's an interesting read. I will provide the content of the article below. ........... The UN, via Western governments...
  2. K

    Have you heard of the "Take back Canada" protests?

    You can see their website here: Home | Take Back Canada To see what they are, and what they are not. I emphasize the latter because I can already hear people throwing out names like racist, xenophobic...etc, which this movement definitely is not. In fact, they stated in their mission...
  3. K

    Who owns you?

    I found this article on Druthers.ca, you can see the original article here: Who Will Eventually Own Everything, Including You? - Druthers News & Information This article goes into details about who really controls society's most important industries and most valuable assets. And it's speaking...
  4. K

    What is a dedication ceremony?

    I see. So, does this mean that "dedication ceremony" is an American usage?
  5. K

    What is a dedication ceremony?

    In the context of the military. Is it like a formal occasion where military personnel are back from combat, and some of them are honored for their brave deeds? I encountered this phrase in a book. The context mentioned that soldiers were given purple heart pins. Which I think is what they do...
  6. K


    I like butter as well, but it has to be very spreadable so I can easily spread it on my toast.
  7. K

    Which U.S. College Major is the Worst for Finding a Job?

    Gender studies has got to be the most useless degree.
  8. K

    The Art of Inference

    It's interesting the stuff that they dig up.
  9. K

    Media Bias [Merged]

    I see, thanks for the answer. I have been leaning towards online, independent sources of news, myself. Honestly I feel a deep sense of distrust towards mainstream, more established media.
  10. K


    Not really a recipe, but more like a cooking tip: when you make meatballs from scratch, make sure you use regular ground beef, not lean ground beef. The extra fat in the regular ground beef will give your meatballs extra flavor. I remember making one such batch, and when I took the pan out of...
  11. K

    Cost of housing in Canada

    I know what you are talking about; here, a lot of international students do that. They sleep in bunk beds and share one room with many people so as to keep the rent lower. But the issue is lack of privacy. Also, they probably won't have the space to put desks for 4 people, which they need in...
  12. K

    Cost of housing in Canada

    Nobody I know, except one, can afford a house where I live. There's simply too much demand for housing. Also, rent has really gone up, too. I remember about 25 years ago, it was around $400 for a room. But now it can easily be over $1000.
  13. K

    Funny Pix & Video Thread

    Thank you for explaining.
  14. K

    Funny Pix & Video Thread

    :lol: I don't get what's funny about this one. Someone explain please?
  15. K

    For Job Seekers

    They should also host similar job fairs at UBC and SFU. Larger talent pools.
  16. K

    Everything KeLouJoH knows [Split from other threads]

    Why wouldn't that be the case? People who want immigrants are currently getting their way. People who don't are SOL.
  17. K

    Everything KeLouJoH knows [Split from other threads]

    Monkhouse was b*tching about how I posted in a thread from 2019. He didn't say it was against the rules, but he was evidently very unhappy about it. I think this thread we are posting in right now is probably his doing. He wanted to ban me but had no legitimate excuse to, so he came up with...
  18. K

    Everything KeLouJoH knows [Split from other threads]

    I am sure that there are people who disagree. Yet, the thing is, pro-immigrant people get to impose their will on others by letting in more immigrants. And people who don't want immigrants can't do anything about it.
  19. K

    Everything KeLouJoH knows [Split from other threads]

    So responding to older threads is against the rules? Did you see the part where I said the thread was relatively fresh, sitting on page 2?