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  1. S

    Communicator Research

    Danny, Good questions! As far as the OJT goes, the wait time is getting less and less.  The demand for QL5 trained 291ers is getting scary.  I am on my 5's right now, and I will graduate 23 months after my 3's grad.  As far as the shift work, I really think that it's helped my relationship...
  2. S

    Communicator Research

  3. S

    Communicator Research

    2nd most deployed trade?  I believe it.  There isn't a ship that sails without a group of 291ers on board, and every land based operation has at the VERY least SOME amount of support from 291ers.  Quick FYI, we don't read soldiers' emails.  We're a little bit preoccupied with stopping IED...
  4. S

    Communicator Research

    The postings are definitely there for those who are willing to show a little bit of ability, I had two friends posted stateside last year.  As far as postings out of Leitrim, it's getting easier to get to 2EW in Kingston.  This whole Afghanistan thing is causing shortages our way too.  The...
  5. S

    Cpl Randy J Payne

    Sir,     I'm sure I'm about to say things you've heard a million times before, and that you are already aware of, but I feel the need to say them anyway.      I knew Randy from when we went through basic training together in May - July 2003, 0318 Bravo.  He was a leader and he helped me out...
  6. S

    All Things Vegetarian/Vegan (merged)

    I'm not pro or anti-vegan, but if I were in the field or on a course requiring a higher level of physical activity or stress I'm not sure I'd WANT to be a vegan in the field.  I'm not much of an eater, and never have been, but on my BMQ and everytime I've been in the field I turn into a...
  7. S

    Peoples Attitudes changed when stated I was joining

    People gave me the same reaction when I told them I was joining.  They weren't really sure what to think.  The fact is, all most people have is some half-baked preconception of what the Canadian Forces, or any military, really is.  NOW... they turn green when they find out: -  I have a boss...
  8. S

    Does size matter in the CF trades?

    One of my best friends in the early part of my career was like you, under 5' and a gymnast.  She was a tiger and could hump a ruck for 13km better than most guys I know.  Don't worry about it...
  9. S

    Persistence and perserverance pays...

    Congrats! Take a deep breath and give 'em hell!
  10. S

    Communicator Research

    Hey, There are no reservce 291ers in Leitrim.  With the shift system it just wouldn't work.  As far as the IT goes, SigOp IS more of an IT trade in one facet, as there is some IT training on their 3's.  291ers have no IT training save for some basic UNIX segments done.  Now, that being said...
  11. S

    Communicator Research

    Hey, Know fractions, scientific notation, trig, algebraic equations, logarithms... I think that's it.  Anyway, if you have at least a basic knowledge of these which most people do then you're laughing.  The book they give you in Kingstonis pretty good and it lays things out fairly well.  Good...
  12. S

    Input Wanted: Which Combat trade?

    Pea, I've had the pleasure of meeting several young ladies who were in reserve combat arms.  Most of the wouldn't fit the traditional mold of the "soldier" and they were all excellent at their jobs (at least the ones I met).  The biggest thing to remember, and the best thing you will learn is...
  13. S

    Communicator Research

    It's possible, I don't really know for sure.  I haven't met any LCIS techs around the station.  Lots of other techs.  But that doesn't mean they aren't there... LCIS is still a really good trade whether you fix our stuff or not, if you're an LCIS Tech, good on 'ya!
  14. S

    Communicator Research

    Hard to say.  It's definitely not BAD... much much better than the last one.  Problem is that the only thing that has any meat to it in the video is that it IS a real hush-hush trade.  If you like figuring stuff out, and doing stuff that 99% of people never get to do, than I'd give this trade an...
  15. S

    Communicator Research

    If you know 5 languages then this may very well be the trade for you.  I know some people who have been given some very nice taskings because they knew a few languages.  The biggest thing I'd remember is that being multi-lingual may open a few doors for you, but it doesn't entitle you to...
  16. S

    Communicator Research

    Hey Sleepy,     It takes a really long time, unfortunately, to get your lvl III.  I hate to be the one who breaks it to you, but you're looking at least a year.  That's just the time it takes right now to get a lvl III.  You can start your QL3 (MOC training) without your lvl III, but you need...
  17. S

    Communicator Research

    Hey, Ahhh, PRETC... I did 9 months there myself... me heart goes out to you dude... Math and morse code... here's why. They should be giving out your math packs soon if they haven't already.  Make sure you get it down.  You'll need at least an 80% to stay in the trade.  Don't panic, the math...
  18. S

    Communicator Research

    I know one guy who washed out, good guy, but he just really didn't have a head for it.  The rest of us did fine.  It's really a multi-faceted trade, if you want to sit in front of a computer you're good to go.  OR... if you love the field there are lots of possibilities as well.  Some of subject...
  19. S

    Communicator Research

  20. S

    Communicator Research

    Unfortunately, most of the systems are classified.  I'd really be hesitant posting something on the net about it.  Sorry. Morse code is still taught in the school, but I understand that now it's not something they will normally fail you on.  It used to be a course requirement to receive 16wpm...