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  1. firewall

    Guidance Regarding ROTP Civi-U

    I don't see switching degrees making you ineligible as long as the degree you're switching into aligns with the trade you want. I got in starting my second year university, so it's definitely not too late. However, if you wait until after your second year it is most likely you'll have to end up...
  2. firewall

    How Long will My Recruitment Application Take?

    If the caf got a penny for everytime this question was asked we would be the highest GDP spender in NATO. Aside from that... Best of luck in your application, you sound like you have the proper experience and the caf will be lucky to have you. But unfortunately, no one on here will be able to...
  3. firewall

    ROTP number of applicants?

    I highly doubt they put public numbers specific to rotp applications out. If somebody knows otherwise, please correct me. There are some stats on this page regarding how many offers go out per year, however. https://www.cmrsj-rmcsj.forces.gc.ca/fe-fs/faq-faq/faq-faq-eng.asp Curious as to why...
  4. firewall

    Which courses do Intelligence Officers go through?

    int officers have to go to intelligence school in Kingston (CFSMI) I'm sure you can understand why the training is kept pretty low-key...
  5. firewall

    NCM Army Reserves to ROTP

    1) Depends on the trade. For example I'm familiar with Pilot and Int. Pilot is 17 years , Int is 13. Keep in mind the first 4 years of this contract is your university time. 2) intelligence extremely competitive, other two are somewhat less so. Keep in mind this will always be fluctuating based...
  6. firewall

    Time from Medical Exam sent to Ottawa to Competition List

    Yep, that's pretty typical. Just follow up with your recruiting center every few weeks. I got my offer in June, so that makes 4 months between medical approval and offer. It will be longer if you are waiting for pre sec still. I am a Canadian Citizen so it was quick for me. 2 weeks is...
  7. firewall

    Time from Medical Exam sent to Ottawa to Competition List

    I'm not really quite sure what you're asking. I did my initial medical Nov 2023, RMO approved March 2024.
  8. firewall

    Application Process Samples [ 2019-present]

    Wow ! What an interesting journey. Much respect to you for trying again, I'm sure many people stumbling on this in the future in a similar situation will find some solace in your story. It is crazy how it feels so long waiting between phases, then you look back at it like "wow, that was fast"...
  9. firewall

    Application Process Samples [ 2019-present]

    Nice to see all these ~6 month apps getting through. Much better than the previous 18 months we were often seeing since covid. Congratulations, definitely update us when selected and enrolled!
  10. firewall

    what sort of exercise would prepare me for the BMOQ best possible?

    The military will not fix these issues. If anything, it could exacerbate them and make them worse. I understand the military seeming like a last resort, as often portrayed in movies and the like; but the reality is you will be facing stressful situations, solving problems, interacting with...
  11. firewall

    Officially Enrolled as of August 23, 2024. [OCdt]

    Officially Enrolled as of August 23, 2024. [OCdt]
  12. firewall

    Congratulations. I would love to hear how it goes!

    Congratulations. I would love to hear how it goes!
  13. firewall

    Application Process Samples [ 2019-present]

    I don't know my exact score, but I was told I passed for every trade.
  14. firewall

    Physical and Interview advice

    Definitely contact your recruiter ASAP, and inform them of your decision to go regular force before you waste too much of the reserve units time. I'm not too sure what implications this will have on your current interview and medical process. Business casual is sufficient for the interview. As...
  15. firewall

    Application Process Samples [ 2019-present]

    The primary cause of the gap was Christmas Break, Recruiting centres were all on leave for one month. Further, I don't have a family doctor, so getting the appointments and forms was a pain to say the least. Regarding Question 2, it's because University starts in September, there is no way I...
  16. firewall

    Application Process Samples [ 2019-present]

    Removed by member request
  17. firewall

    WCPT for Public Affair Officer

    Pro Tip: Just ask chat GPT these types of questions and it will spit out everything. Here's what I found in 30 seconds. Obviously some of this information may change, so it's important to stay up to date with CFRC for specifics. But here is a really good overall outline to your questions on how...
  18. firewall

    RMC/ROTP 2024-2025

    Yes, most likely ! See you there. Thank you! Definitely came as a surprise as I was told I wouldn't be competition listed in time for selections initially. But, it all ended up working out in the end.
  19. firewall

    RMC/ROTP 2024-2025

  20. firewall

    RMC/ROTP 2024-2025

    I received and accepted an offer yesterday, for ROTP Civilian University. As others have pointed out, offers go out as late as August, as I am a clear example of. Don't give up hope yet if you haven't heard. I wasn't even on the competition list until last Thursday, so it all happened really fast.