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  1. C

    Rmc academic prerequisites

    The best luck to you.
  2. C

    New air defence kit from BAE SYSTEMS

    I understand that AD gunners want new kit, but has DND priorities it?
  3. C

    New air defence kit from BAE SYSTEMS

    Is CAF looking for air-defence kit?
  4. C

    New air defence kit from BAE SYSTEMS

    Just saw this.
  5. C

    Leadership training at RMCC

    Question from a concern ex member of CAF. Some years ago there was a report from the Auditor General’s office about RMC leadership training. Has there been changes as a result of this report? I have never been to military college but I do care about how the CAF is seen. Thank you for any...
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    Russia dropped bomb in fron British destroyer

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-57583363 Sorry my bad
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    Russia dropped bomb in fron British destroyer

    Braking news on the BBC, Russia fired warning shot and dropped a bomb in front of a UK destroyer stating the ship had entered national waters.
  8. C

    Comparing old qualifications with the newish DP system

    Thank you the info.
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    Comparing old qualifications with the newish DP system

    Hi, My name is Remi and I in the PRes in the 70s. I would like to understand the DP system by comparing my qualifications and what would be it's equivalent in present system. The qualifications I had were the following: GMT Gunner's course Arty tech Jr nco course Gun Detachment Commander...
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    Third Canadian Guards

    Thank you for the information, however I live in the UK, so I am not able to visit the museum. Maybe I could contact them and see if I could obtain further information. Cheers Remi Gauthier
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    Third Canadian Guards

    Yes, it is the 3rd Battalion, The Canadian Guards. Would you know where I could fine a list of officers who served in this battalion? Thank you Remi Gauthier
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    Third Canadian Guards

    Hi All, Can anyone point me in the right direction to obtain information on the third Can Guards. My father was in this battalion and I would like to know more. Thank you, Remi
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    What ever happen to ...

    Thank you for this information, he certainly was a IMHO a great figure within the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery.
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    What ever happen to ...

    I realised that when I posted the above. There was really no introduction. Here it goes: my name is Remi I was in the 2nd Regiment RCA in Montreal. I had the opportunity to do all trade qualification through courses instructed by Reg F. The people I asked about in the above post had an impact...
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    Artillery in the 70's - A Flashback Video

    Hi, if I am not mistaken 5 RALC had a third battery (V Bty) which was air defence. They used to have two Boffin guns, the last time I had any dealings with 5 RALC, Maj. Dallaire was the BC of V Bty.
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    IG qualified Battery Commenders

    Just out of curiosity, would most Reg F BCs be qualified IG? I know that an officer doesn't have to be IG to become Battery Commender. Thanks.
  17. C

    What ever happen to ...

    Hi, my name is Remi and I am new to this site. I was P Res from 1973 to 1980, during this time I had the opportunity to work with Reg force on Class B. The people I had the chance to work with were excellent, some stood above that and I would like to know what happen to them. People like MWO...