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  1. Acadian10

    Comm Research

    Correction, it would be EMAA and not EMMA. Just google EMAA and you should find it after searching a few links. Everyone in the CF should have an account there. Makes like much easier and less paper work.
  2. Acadian10

    The CFS Alert Merged Thread

    I believe I will be GD, for there's no more Comms Research up in Alert, and that is my trade. I hope that I can learn new things up there and travel a little outside because I do want to take photos. I also heard that sunrise will only come by the end of my deployment there. Thanks for the...
  3. Acadian10

    The CFS Alert Merged Thread

    I'm about to leave to go to Alert for three months (very excited!) and I was wondering if I could learn from the experience of others. If you have been to Alert, and you got some interesting stories that I could learn from or laugh at, please let me know!!! :cdn:
  4. Acadian10

    Protesters display terrorist flag at Calgary war memorial

    COuld you send another link for the video? I don't have subscription to the site the video is linked to.
  5. Acadian10

    Westboro Church Protest Mega-thread

    Um, has God told anyone that he hates Canada? I couldn't imagine why God would hate a whole nation...
  6. Acadian10

    Does Canada need a Military?

    This is a question with an obvious answer, yes we do need a military, it's one of the main institutions that gives us our independence... you can learn this in politics 101
  7. Acadian10

    What is your military status?

    I would be a 291er AKA Sneaky Squirrels