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  1. U

    Girlfriend of a soldier needs opinions...

    UPDATE:  we're back together!!  I didn't give up and to my amazement everything has worked out!  Thanks again for the support you guys, I really appreciate it. Take care. :)
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    Girlfriend of a soldier needs opinions...

    I'm just kidding Ed, I can't fly out there because I wouldn't even know where to find him.  I hope you're right about him just needing some time, but I'm not feeling very optimistic right now.  I'm pretty sure his mind is made up, but we'll see.  Thanks again.
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    Girlfriend of a soldier needs opinions...

    So I shouldn't fly out there and stalk him down?  But I thought.... you said...
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    Girlfriend of a soldier needs opinions...

    Thanks for the support guys. "My own philosophy (and I can't understand anyone who doesn't feel the same way) is that if you really, really want something, you will do anything in the world to get it.  Dammit Jen, if you truly want this guy don't sit back and whine about...get in there and go...
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    Girlfriend of a soldier needs opinions...

    Well it's officially over.  He won't change his mind, we simply can't be together because of his work and that's that.  There are some more complicated details that I can't get into on this forum but the bottom line is that I have absolutely no say in this, he has decided on his own that this is...
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    Girlfriend of a soldier needs opinions...

    Thanks Laura, and good luck with your fiance.
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    Girlfriend of a soldier needs opinions...

    Thanks so much you guys, I can't tell you how much your replies are helping.  I'm so relieved to know that this sort of thing does happen quite a bit because it makes me feel that we might get through this.  A few days after I received the break up email, I did write him a very calm, rational...
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    Girlfriend of a soldier needs opinions...

    Hi there, I'm new here.... and just hoping to get some opinions on my very confusing and painful situation.  My boyfriend is in the army and has been in the Middle East for the past few months.  We are both in our early 30s, and haven't been together that long but we're very close. We're...