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  1. Tyrone_88

    Before swearing in.

    When they called me up they said they gave me the dates of my swearing in and start of my BMQ, my regiment info (RCR), they told me what to wear at the swearing in and they said that they would send me a package full of information which I received two days later.
  2. Tyrone_88

    My First Car

    I've got an '84 Chevy Camaro. Picked it up for 300 bucks with no engine. I put a 305 V8 with a four barrel carb in it and it just sucks the gas. Its totally worth it though :)
  3. Tyrone_88

    Before swearing in.

    You  get a big package including a CD with some videos on it, a big fat booklet from CFLRS (well I did anyway) and a letter congratulating you on being accepted into the CF. Included the the CFLRS booklet at directions as too what you need to bring and how you get there.
  4. Tyrone_88

    St. Jean BMQ on August 14th. Who's going?

    Welcome aboard
  5. Tyrone_88

    St. Jean BMQ on August 14th. Who's going?

    During BMQ and all other training is there a policy that prohibits you from bringing your own juice or tea to drink? In my St. Jean booklet it says you are prohibited from bringing any food items whatsoever into your quarters. I don't  know if you can have your own stuff outside your quarters...
  6. Tyrone_88

    St. Jean BMQ on August 14th. Who's going?

    How come its seems like  theres hardly any of us going for August 14th BMQ? So far its just three people including me that I know of.
  7. Tyrone_88

    St. Jean BMQ on August 14th. Who's going?

    Do any of you guys know what the farthest distance we will have to run is? I think I heard 12 K some where. Hopefully I'm mistaken. I ran 4 km last night and thats my limit for now.
  8. Tyrone_88

    St. Jean BMQ on August 14th. Who's going?

    I've just been focusing on beefing up. A couple months I was 6'1 155 and now I'm at 180. Its just harder to build muscle when your running all the time. But I guess I gotta do it. I'm going for a run right now!
  9. Tyrone_88

    St. Jean BMQ on August 14th. Who's going?

    I'll be there. Infantry RCR (wanted PPCLI) from Smithville Ont.
  10. Tyrone_88

    St. Jean BMQ on August 14th. Who's going?

    Any of you guys going for August 14th BMQ? I hope I don't have trouble with the running, I've mostly been trying to bulk up and have been lifting weights a lot. Push ups and sit ups are no problem and I don't think I'm out of shape. I've been running one to two times a week. I should be able to...
  11. Tyrone_88

    weight fluctuations (loss) during/after basic

    Ok, so once I'm done training I can use Protein and possibly Creatine?
  12. Tyrone_88

    weight fluctuations (loss) during/after basic

    when I first started my application process I was 6 2", 155 pounds. After months of working out like a lunatic and taking protein powder several times a day I'm up to 175-180. I'm going away to basic in August and am really worried about shrinking back down to my skinny self. I'm willing to bet...
  13. Tyrone_88

    BMQ filled up for this summer?

            My application went in in febuary and my BMQ starts August 14th. If found the recruiters were quite helpful and did a good job processing me. Unlike you guys I didn't have to wait for a phone call for my medical or physical, they told me when I would be doing those things after my interview.
  14. Tyrone_88

    Next BMQ date

    Ya I just got my call today and I'm going to St. John Quebec for August 14 BMQ. Thats most likely where you'll wind up.
  15. Tyrone_88


    Hi there, what kind of bend are we talking about here exactly. The arch of my back is more pronounced then most people when I relax all of my muscles and kind of slouch, but when I'm standing up strait it looks normal would this be considered scolilosis? and if so would this problem keep from...
  16. Tyrone_88

    what can I expect for my medical?

    The only thing I can really think of that might possibly fail me in my medical is that the arch of my spine is more pronounced then most of my friends. It doesn't cause any problems like pains or anything but if anything screws me over it will be that. It used to be normal until I worked in...
  17. Tyrone_88

    what can I expect for my medical?

    thanks for the replies fellas
  18. Tyrone_88

    what can I expect for my medical?

    Hey I've been reading all the post and can't really find a whole lot on what exactly is going to happen when i go in for my medical next thursday. I have a friend who has gone in for a physical and he says you get fingers up your arse and the doctor grabs your nuts. Is this true or is he just...
  19. Tyrone_88

    Failure Rate

    Alright thanks I can do all the fitness activities with ease, I don't think I'm unhealthy and last time I checked I'm not retarded. I think I'm good to go I'm just a little nervous and I can't stop thinking about what could go wrong
  20. Tyrone_88

    Failure Rate

                          Hey guys, I just wrote my apptitude test and had it marked today. The recruiter said I did very good on it and she made me up an appointment for my interveiw. I've got to do the fitness and medical tests still and I was wondering about how many people are denied at the...