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  1. D

    Transient Quarters

    Does anyone know if there is a site on the DIN listing contact info for transient quarters accross Canada and abroad. I'm specifically looking for Montreal right now, but if there's a centralized listing that would be very helpful in future.
  2. D

    Moral vs Manning

    I think the problem of dead weight is a lot more wide spread than the promotion to MCpl issu [not that anyone on this threat has denied that]. The easiest stage to release someone from the CF for being incompetent, and cheapest, is during their basic training. When I did BMQ/SQ in Shilo with the...
  3. D

    Canada's options: fight in Afghanistan or secure 2010 Olympics ?

    I think that this thread is overlooking a lot about the security needs for 2010. APEC was protecting 50 people in a remote location, 2010 is protecting several thousand people spread out over 3 urban centres. The Montreal Olympics were undertaken with a much larger army and in a culture which...
  4. D

    Most Annoying Canadian! VOTE NOW!

    Keep in mind that would have made the BQ the ruling party in the last election. That would have been fun, actually air farce did a good scetch about that. http://www.airfarce.ca/seasons/season13/060120.html "Tale of one party"
  5. D

    Anyone see this Video before? (2 VP B Coy Afghanistan)

    Damn it stops just a few min before they put arty on the target. Now that would have been nice to see
  6. D

    No such thing as a stupid question...

    That's what happens when you go on an Ex to support the Navy. Damn I wish I'ld gone on that Ex too.
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    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    I couldn't agree more, that course is a perfect example of what happens to a unit when the office fails to listen to his senior NCO's, and the NCO's respond by smearing you to the troops. I a word chaos.
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    No such thing as a stupid question...

    From a civi friends after telling them that I am in the army "could you actually bring yourself to kill someone" My favorite responses being "No I'm a soldier, but I'm also a pacifist" "Actually I was planning on sitting down and talking through our interpersonal conflicts with the nice man...
  9. D

    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    This summer in Gagetown: "This isn't random c*ckery, it's just a way to move to a new location for some highly effective training"   - from a brand new MCpl before making us do the airborne shuffle 3km in the middle of a FTX n order to have a leapord crawling race accross a patch of gravel...
  10. D

    Wrist Watch Recommendations - Merged Thread

    A lot of people think I'm stupid for this, but I'm a die hard fan of the analog watch. You don't have to worry about the alarm going off during an ambush [lets face it given enough time it will happen to everyone] and best of all its makes your on the fly time appreciation way faster. People...
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    RCR did what the book says while PPCLI did what works while beatting the crap out of thier equiptment back in the 80s!!! Wow some things do never change.
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    Is anyone aware if the C-7A2 without front rails loaded is lighter then the regular C-7? I used one all summer in Gagtown and that was a constant debate. It's hard to tell because of the balance being much different. Personally I found the A2 to be a superior weapon, but generally more...
  13. D

    CF training School system

    Just wanted to start a general discussion on how the CF school system could be improved [as in courses beiung run through training centres like the Infantry School, CFSCE, CFSEME, St. Jean ect.] I joined as a sig op and did one summer at CFSCE before crossing over to the dark side and spending...
  14. D

    Any favourite BMQ memories?

    Yeah I was in 4 pltn 2 sec, F***ing Shilo
  15. D

    No more patrols for G-Wagons in Afghanistan?

    Politicians trying to avoid bad photo ops of coffins coming home by using G-Wagens less should remember the words of the CDS after the 4 soldiers were killed by the IED; roughly that no matter how much armour you put on a vehicle the insurgents can build a big enough bomb to kill people inside. ...
  16. D

    Comm Res and Civilian life

    Be warned that the com res is probably the most active component of the reserves. We inevitably have more trg dated then the other units in 39 [BC] militia bde, as seems to be the case nation wide. This means that if you are looking for a lot of extra employment coms is the way to go, but if...
  17. D

    Captured vehicles

    Yeah and tanks with one MG and one gun were called hermaphrodites. Totally not kidding
  18. D

    LSVW Replacement

    Does anyone know when the army will grace us with a replacement for the LSVW? If so what's the best option available. not that we're likely to get it, though I can't think of anything being worse than the LS :threat:. Would it be possible to do the job with an extended order of G-wagens and...
  19. D

    C1 SMG

    Does anyone here have experience with the old C1 9mm SMG? Was it any good and is it missed? I know the rationale for dropping it was its limited range and stopping power, but given Canada's increased action in CQB does anyone have thoughts on whether we need a SMG at section level again? I know...
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    BOTP [II] Cancelled?

    I just got back from ED&T to discover that BOTP [II] has been cancelled by the Com Res school in Shilo this year. Can anyone confirm this, or does anyone know what is going to happen to people loaded on that course who need it to get into CAP this summer?