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  1. McG

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    $1B USD is a lot to obliviously or accidentally invest into a terrorist grouping. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/24/nyregion/hamas-gaza-aid-unrwa-lawsuit.html
  2. McG

    Russia in the 21st Century [Superthread]

  3. McG

    The War in Ukraine

    A retreating enemy is still a legitimate target; a surrendering enemy is not. If he is not trying to surrender, then he can be targeted. If you are a combatant, you are a legitimate target even if unarmed. If you are on your feet and manoeuvring to rejoin your forces, you are not hors de combat.
  4. McG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    … and all of this is PD responsibility, not the procurement officer. The PD absolute must understand the user requirements and engage the user community. That is not PMO job and it is definitely not the job of any procurement officer. We will sewer a lot of projects if we give COs a back door...
  5. McG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    And who needs bridges or recovery vehicles that can actually support that really heavy new vehicle you just bought.
  6. McG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Tanks made it into ONSF, so apparently they are not too difficult for either the Conservatives or Liberals to accept. Where we really fall down is that we will replace our fighting vehicle fleets at least twice as frequently as all the systems needed to support/sustain the Army.
  7. McG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    No. There are requirements staff already remote working from bases across the country. We do not want unit COs having tighter access to the procurement officer than the project director (the Army officer responsible to the Army Commander for ensuring the project deliver’s the Army’s...
  8. McG

    The War in Ukraine

    Nobody has asked us for new motors. We have been asked for the ones we were having disposed. The motors being sent have been through a quality check. We are not sending things that we don’t think will work. So again, your question was why doesn't Canada just buy new motors that nobody is asking...
  9. McG

    The War in Ukraine

    Because we have no need and nobody has asked us. Why would we?
  10. McG

    Infantry Vehicles

    This is not an either-or question. If we are serious, we do both. There need to be replacement holding units that can send crewed vehicle replacements and even formed platoon/troop to keep units in the fight, and there needs to be combat units in depth ready to take-up the fight.
  11. McG

    The War in Ukraine

    “Give us what we have been unable to steal and don’t join NATO, and we promise to stop fighting while we reconstitute, re-arm, and re-prepare to invade you again.”
  12. McG

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

  13. McG

    Combat Engineer to Medical Officer

    I know a few Engr who have gone through the MMTP to become doctors … don’t know any NCM who have taken MMTP. If you want to explore different occupations and are not taking the ROTP path, than the reserve force recommendation is a good one.
  14. McG

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

  15. McG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    You might want to research your assumption that there are not agreed metrics as to what is defence spending. Just because it is labeled “defence budget” does not mean it counts, and conversely items can be counted if not so labeled.
  16. McG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    There are different pots of money in the defence budget, and they operate under different rules. Infrastructure and major equipment projects do come out of the defence budget, and you cannot take money out of those pots to use for other purposes.