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  1. Iseeitall

    Over 40 to old?

    keep a positive mindset and you will be fine and make great friends. you will learn a lot, but you will also be able to teach a bit. open your mind and remember you have some kids (17 years old) along side you, so don't try to understand their behaviour. Do your thing, but don't think about...
  2. Iseeitall

    Over 40 to old?

    I hope you join. There are amazing things waiting for you. How I made it? I made it, so will you. You only have to keep two thing in mind. 1-show up and show up in time. 2- do your very best. As for the 2nd. You will know if you did your best, if you didn’t do your best, you will also know. And...
  3. Iseeitall

    Over 40 to old?

    So, here I am. Graduated from BMQ two months ago. I joined at 42, but I wasn’t the oldest in the pack. I wasn’t the worst in the pack either. no one was worst actually. The first few days was a hell, really made me second guess my decision, but it was the young guys who help me push through...
  4. Iseeitall

    Over 40 to old?

    lol, thank you, all of you for your comments. I shall provide you all with an update on how it went.
  5. Iseeitall

    Over 40 to old?

    I am joining INT. Thank you for your comment ModlrMike
  6. Iseeitall

    Over 40 to old?

    I’ve done most of the recruiting process and now I am waiting for the offer letter. I am very happy about that, also I really want to join. What is bothering me is that I am 42 years old . Should I be embarrassed to join at this age? Will I be the clown in the group? I am a tall guy 6.3 . A bit...
  7. Iseeitall

    How to appeal

    Hello all, I learned today that I wasn’t accepted by Ottawa due to medical reason, according to Ottawa I fall under G5. G5 stating that I need medical attention or supervision every 6 months. The problem is I don’t, I haven’t seen a doctor in almost two years, I called my family Doctor and she...
  8. Iseeitall

    What next in my process

    I have done CFAT, cleared the PT, passed the medical, I heard now that my clearance is good to go. What is the next step? What else is missing ? I applied for INT trade,
  9. Iseeitall


    joining now, I am 38
  10. Iseeitall

    Hoping to join the Reserves

    For the most part the training would be weekends  + a day/month which is during the week, in such a day it would be getting in around 6pm and leaving at 1-2am. - also consider that depending on the role you applied you may need different levels of security clearance,  the top-level security...
  11. Iseeitall

    Wanted Officer but for NCM

    Thank you so much for such a speedy answer, I really appreciate it. My degree is Computer Science, and I applied for Intelligence Officer. (Reserve). I will indeed talk to my recruiter about retaking the CFAT and take it from there. Awesome everyone, you have answered all my doubts. Best.
  12. Iseeitall

    Wanted Officer but for NCM

    Hello, sorry for what may be a silly question. I am 37, and have held a university degree for over 11 years, I have a full time work as manager for the last 7 years, and currently enrolled in a MBA. I applied for reserve as officer, With my university degree, and experience I thought it would...